TIK didn't watched the timeghost video I think

God why is he so on his idea that "nazi were socialist when it was already debunked a lot of time?


He already made a few videos about it way back in 2018. So, this is just him reaffirming his beliefs. Still disagreeing with him, though.


Does anyone here care to actually watch it and summarize his points? Iā€™m so not spending 5 hours on what I believe to be wrong, but feel somewhat bad about ignoring it outright.


I will be watching it at some point. I already saved it in my list. I also saw fully his two previous videos on the subject back in 2018.


Yeah he did it partially in response to the TG video I think, settle down any potential rifts.


If I recall correctly, he hasnā€™t mentioned TG at any point, even in his comments response video.


Kinda odd, given how both fanbases intertwine.


Iā€™m one of them. Subbed to both TG and TIK.


Tik has lost his mind, his view is the govt having any involvement = socialism.

Also just looking at the posts he upvotes there is something going on there.


TIK or me? He already made his case way back in 2018. So, this is nothing new.

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Itā€™s a real shame, because I really like the Stalingrad series so far.
But I am not one of those who would unsubscribe just because someone says something I disagree with.

And as others have also noted, this isnā€™t a new thing for him. I will keep disagreeing with him because ā€œgovernment involvement = socialismā€ just simply isnā€™t so.
Or rather, itā€™s an amusing way to see it because it would imply any government that sought to implement religious orthodoxy is automatically socialist, and I canā€™t see many people agreeing with the idea that Russiaā€™s old tsarist was government, or cardinal Richelieuā€™s France.

Whoā€™s gonna tell Trump that TIK thinks heā€™s socialist :grin:


I unfollowed him awhile ago just felt he was actively lying and had an agenda.

I asked him to explain to me how Krupp, IG or Porsche were collectivized and itā€™s just articles of nazism no actual proof.


BTW, ladies and gentlemen, if you have some spare time, please watch the entire video, no matter your disagreements with him.

As TIK said at the beginning of this video:

Even if you do not agree with what Iā€™m about to say, thereā€™s no reason to call me names, slander me, jump to false conclusions, or send me death threats. The point of history is to have a debate. At the very least, by taking this position, I am providing you and others the opportunity to debate with me. If Iā€™m wrong, you should have no trouble addressing all the points Iā€™m about to make. If Iā€™m wrong.

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my problem with him is that he will never change his point of view on the matter ,even if you put good source on to why they werenā€™t socialist,heā€™ll still say the were because reason and I think heā€™s contributing spreading bad history with that too


He has his sources as well. So, heā€™s not Alex Jones.

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I think the ridiculousness of his video is best illustrated by this segment (page 81 of his script): ā€˜This basically presents the idea that denying Hitlerā€™s Socialism, whether you realize it or not, is actually
denying the Holocaust.ā€™


Yeah, thatā€™s where I disagreed with him the most.

Have you seen the video in its entirety? If so, so have I.

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His sources:

What Hitler did was use the term socialism as the same thing as collectivism. His version of collectivism was an extreme version called Fascism based on race and class collaboration.


oh god yes this thing,why is denying hitler socialism holocaust denial,the guy got a weird definition of what holocaust denial is tooā€¦