The valiant Defenders of Ukraine

I am sure you know more about readiness of Germany than I do. No nation is ever fully ready for war. Every nation i the NATO treaty has to realize what we are committed to. This is the only way we hold NATO together. This is also the way to deter Russia.

I hope every country lives up to their material and personnel goals. We can’t make you although the US will complain loudly. And sometimes rightly. But I know if Lithuania or any of the Eastern states is threatened Germany will send the forces they have agreed to. The US will do the same.

If that does not deter Russia then we will defend NATO borders. If we aren’t prepared, we will pay in blood but the bill is paid now or later. NATO can spend more blood than Russia too. I would prefer equipment but it will be what it is.

My country has said for years I can’t believe we will go to war to defend Lithuania. Those are ignorant people because the decision has already been made.

From where I stand US citizens are growing tired of the Ukraine war but this is not the government position. But we are committed to NATO and I am sure Russia knows this.

It is indeed true that current NATO strategy provides a plan to actually defend the baltics, which thankfully by now will primarily depend on Finnland (Sweden hopefully) and later the US.

With the norther flank secured, it is also good to note that ammo production for Ukraine is spinning up.

Let’s get the production of the PzH up (I now it may be hard for a German to hear, but France has 3x production of Ceaser).
Let’s look into spinning up production of Leos or whatever the UAF thinks it needs.
Let’s not again let Ukraine wait and pay with tousands of lifes, while we discuss, whether delivering XY will somehow start WW3.
It won’t.
But hesitation did lead to WW2.
Let’s not repeat the phony wars.

PS: to some readers my comments may sound overly critical. Please understand that I solidly believe that Germany has great potential. We just need to actually accept our many problems and solve them proactively.

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It is not for me, because the Ukrainians need both: The strategic mobility of the motorized Ceasar (or the better protected Zuzana2) and mechanized tactical more mobile guns (PzH 2K and Krab) which are more expensive to produce and to deploy. And the shell production, rebarreling capacity and spare part production after more than 500 days hopefully able to keep them in buisness.

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Nice video of the drone damage to the warship and tanker plus a 20 minute candid Q&A with a Ukrainian soldier on the front lines

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Interesting stuff. Seems the sea drones have a ways to go in warhead design but it’s a start.

The interview was interesting. So much more anecdotal evidence that lack of AirPower is still the biggest hole in the Ukrainian military.

I disagrre with his naming of the worshippers of antiameranism as “the left”, but he is explaining the logic of Russian antiimperialistic propaganda.

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Perfectly legitimate election, please tell me you’re joking.

Matthias Corvinus College recently held a conference in Esztergom and many Anglophone in attendance were Anti-American and anti-NATO.

The Corvinus University of Budapest (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem)?

I think leftists are accurate from an American point of view and those he showed are classic communist leftists ( at least Chomsky and Cornell West). Chomsky has been delivering the same message since Vietnam. He was despised then and he’s largely irrelevant now. Tulsi Gabbard as the “alt left” seems to me not to be left but just more of a traditional isolationist. It’s not our war so stay out of it.

I am not sure leftists applies to Eastern Europeans at all. I agree with you.

Americans seem to believe they can end the war tomorrow by exercising leverage. Cut off Ukraine and make them talk. I think they are wrong. They are also incensed by how much we are spending there as if we were paying all over again for each obsolete piece of equipment we send. I don’t think they understand what American resources are involved because their government lies to them.

It is also incredibly bad optics to offer $700 per family that was burned out in Hawaii and request $40,000,000,000 for Ukraine. So anti Americanism comes from all over and is just as unorganized as how this all began.


I agree. I hope that the people who promoting the the idea that forcing the Ukrainians to surrender is a road to peace but not get close to power anywhere.

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A German defence minister on a tank. And somehow the “Polish” trolls missed that picture, to attack Germany to defend Gdansk and the slavic family. Usually there have been more comments about THE NAZIS then the US.

Not quite sure which picture. The tank turret one? Think I missed this one

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Boris Pistorius (German densce minister) posing as a Leopard 2 commander on the picture PERUN used for his video as headline.

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Ahh that picture. Thank you for explaining. It certainly is not something that I had seen before. Is there tension in Europe over Germany rearming?

On a side note I hope later this week to see Tucker Carlson post an interview with the President of Serbia. Tucker is very against the US in this war although not pro Russian and it sounds like this will be an interesting take on the effects of the war in Europe . Certainly biased but interesting.

Tucker against the US and very much pro russian is the image I have of him.

Well on this one you and I will agree to disagree on this. Too many years of us being told of all our fights for freedom and too many years of being lied too by both sides of our government. Yes freedom is the reason we drone kids the world over. There is a lot of that mindset that 20 years of the war against terror brings to people in America. I could go on. I believe NATO is doing the right thing but as Perun made quite clear the US is using these funds to rearm itself as much as arm Ukraine. It’s like a military slush fund over here.

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Because it is more an European rearming there is no tension. And Germany is not even the greatest crator of headlines. The last increasment of the German army had been the integration of the last independent Duch army brigsde.

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A lot of nations wanting to rearm at the same time will cause some tensions on getting the resources.
All the politicians cutting back on the defence budgets all those years because who needs a big army in Europe , we are all safe here right.
The big bad of the last 20 years have been terrorists and we don’t need a big army for that and if we do the Americas will handle it