The valiant Defenders of Ukraine

The Kiev Independent failed to mention that Ukraine never recognized Kosovo and Metohija as an independent state either.
It is shame that NATO doesn’t respect territorial integrity of Serbia as confirmed in international law, UNSC resolution 1244 that ended NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, because it looks hypocritical to ask for Ukrainian territorial integrity.

BTW Serbia did propose “Open Balkans” collaboration project for countries that are not likely to become EU members any time soon. NATO/EU/US are working hard to undermine that initiative with kabal in Pristina being their faithful tool to that end.

Yes, I thought it might be.
It is amazing how many people believe that world events are taking place without influence of vast three letter/number agencies.

But at least I know that KFOR is an UNO mission to protect Serbian, Bosnian and Kosovarn civilians.

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As Ukrainian is a Slavic language and Poland, Czechia and Slovakia have all strongly supported Ukraine, we appear to have Slavs on both dides if this war. Indeed going by number of countries and population, Slavs appear to prefer Ukraine to Russia.


Indeed, “appear” is the right word.
In either case it is terrible for Slavic peoples, but not much better for Europeans in general.

There are some encouraging signs though.

It’s sad to see how you’re still desperately holding on to your Serbian superiority complex and the national myth that the breakup of Yugoslavia was the greatest tragedy to ever come to the Balkans. Some real OG fascist shit here.

In other news, Croatia will adopt the euro as its currency tomorrow futhering the European project for peace and prosperity. You speak bitter about the EU, because they won’t let Serbia join, but that’s entirely on you, because you won’t peace out your neighbours and resolve your differences. For some more context on why this is critical to be a full EU participant, I recommend you watch this: What even is Europe? - YouTube

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You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. Serbian nationalists consider CREATION of Yugoslavia the greatest tragedy ever to come on the Balkans. Or at least one of them, since Balkans were at the hart of western world history for thousands of years with lots of tragedies.
But for that you would need to know history, and that is obviously not your strong point.

Croatia is well known for its tragic historical choices - picking the wrong side of history. Every. Single. Time.

Interestingly, both Napoleon and Hitler had similar dreams of peaceful, united Europe.

As for Serbs, they have seen many empires come and go, and took active part in breaking their backs. Do you know that Serbs were the only ones in Yugoslavia not allowed (by the West) self-determination? The same West has actively assisted in cleansing of Serbs from all newly formed “states”.
Did Serbia attack NATO? How come such defense organization became so aggressive?

With failure to implement UNSC resolution 1244 about Kosovo-Metohija, as well as 2202 and Misnk Agreements about Donbass, West is obviously having different agendas. What could it be? And why would be Serbia, Russia and the rest of the world trust the West on anything?

Happy New Year!

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Interesting, when I was in Russia and toured Monino etc the guide also offered me to go to a “1970s” Soviet restaurant where there was some idea of making coca cola of old bread and many other creative ways to make “Soviet alternatives” as Western products were outrageously expensive. So it is not that the sanctions are new in that sense. If things quiet down in future I hope I can go back to that place. Not every Russian supports Putin or war.

What is worrying that the China-Russian relation is going stronger and they exchange tech and indeed the sanctions aren’t working too well.

As for oil, the problem is that process industry products are MUCH harder to trace and that Kazachstan has an customs union with Russia. So exports to Kazachstan has risen. So discrete products also can find their way into Russia.

Here is a link to the restaurant, I am pretty sure it was this one. It is not in the Michelin Guide by the way, I wonder why?

Moscow restaurant draws on collective Soviet nostalgia – and adds a salad bar | Russia | The Guardian


What is funny is that I have some Russian friends I keep contact with. They may not be full-on Z, but they are certainly patriotic and didn’t even oppose the invasion. Yet, they are able to see that things are not going well, and understand that their future was ruined by the incompetency of their own leaders.

Meanwhile, Serbian nationalists continue to be brainless simps for Russia and Putin.


Potayto-potahto, they still feel like they have a god given right to oppress their neighbours.

Something tells me you hate Croats.

Had you watched the video, you would have understood why this kind of “unification” is very different from the european project. Also, this shows how dumb you are.

No Serbia did not attack Nato, because it too busy murdering Albanians in Kosovo. NATO did take offense to that though.


Did you speak to all Serbian nationalists. Serbia is, at the moment, host to tens of thousands of their Slavic brothers and sisters from both, Ukraine and Russia. Serbs have seen what Western values look like and that is why they oppose US/NATO hegemony that costed the rest of the world millions of lives.

Yeah, I thought you have poor understanding of history.

Feel sorry for them. Croats are mostly Serbs who, for various reasons, adopted Catholicism at some point. Similar as Muslims.

Oh, you finally got something right.

Repetition est mater studiorum.

NATO needed a reason for existence at the time of its 50th anniversary. They decided to support Albanian terrorists.

Мир божји, Христос се роди! Срећан Божшћ.

It is a million Ukranians and tens of thousands Russians in Germany. The are not our slavic siblings but humans.

Not as poor as your understanding of the present

Ah yes, the Kosovar civilians who were murdered by Serbia were clearly terrorists and deserved to die. That’s some old school genocide denial shit my friend. Congratulations, you just went from being a fascist to being a nazi.

I disagree with Dejan on multiple points but to call him a Nazi is utterly incorrect. Actually unless you have proof Dejan is for the holocaust it is a form of false holocaust comparisons (or holocaust denial as the CIDI would call it).

The CIDI,SWC and WAH right here have excellent sources on National Socialism

Best Regards,

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From January 1st to January 5th 2023 Russian military losses were enormous due to precision strikes from Ukrainian forces. Almost nobody believes official Russian government numbers on losses and Ukraine may or may not be over-inflating numbers but taking into account Russian bloggers, recon and satellite photos plus eye witness accounts in a 5 day period the Russian military losses are estimated to be


For a total of 5,273 losses for Russia in 5 days. By any militaries accounts that is a huge loss of military personnel not including loss of weapons, equipment and vehicles/armour.

Another issue is the amount of friendly fire incidents that are happening right across the front lines mostly on the Russian side due to bad communication, inaccurate fire by Russian military, advancing to enemy positions then being shelled by your own side because you have no way to communicate with the artillery. In one instance in Soledar two platoons of Russian soldiers were wiped out by their own artillery as nobody had informed the artillery that Russian forces had advanced into enemy lines leading to several killed and wounded before the shelling stopped and the Russian forces retreated leaving most of their wounded and dead behind to be captured by Ukrainian forces.

On the Ukrainian side air defence is negating Russian missile and drone attacks to the point that on multiple occasions there were 100% of Russian missile and drones shot down. The unfortunate side effect of those shoot downs are the wreckage falling often in residential neighbourhoods killing or wounding several civilians.with that being said the vast majority of the civilian population is very happy and are very supportive of the military and other agencies.

Next to the DMZ separating North and South Korea the most heavily mined area in the world is the border between Belarus and Ukraine as it is widely thought by Ukrainians that the Russians want to open another front to try and capture or incapacitate Kiev and it’s government to try and end the war in Russia’s favour. This is seen as a desperate attempt by Russia to salvage the war. The Russian military has moved quite a bit of their remaining modern equipment into Belarus along with multiple units of what is left of Russia’s professional military. The big unknown is the Belarusian military as it is seen as poorly trained, equipped and maintained and it is well known morale in the Belarusian military is quite low. There have been signals that many Belarusian units will refuse to cross the border into Ukraine and may even support Ukrainian forces but due to limited information nobody truly knows what the situation is in Belarus.

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I doubt that your defintion what makes a nazi is a holocaust distortion by the definition of the IHRA .

I believe in freedom of speech even for extremist but I also know you got a stern warning earlier for your unhinged attacks on one of the Directors of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and his Shoah research.

This is another attempt of you to tiptoe around the IHRA definition and forum rules. Hint: Didn’t work last time.

Also you wrote on the Simon Wiesenthal Center:
"[quote=“gerhard-w-koester, post:105, topic:8666”]
Which is an American based corporation, which I do not accept to be moral, because they tell stories to fit an American audience, facts are not on the list of their priorities.

Just to be clear this stuff about Simon Wiesenthal is fact whether you like it or not and the overwhelming majority of Germans accept the past for what it is. And I often am in Germany and had a great time at the Beerfesten.

Here is a link and the Jewish Human Rights Organization SWC is not anti-German and actually often compliments the good Germans for their work. They are all very factual as best they can :

Chew ( and I am not saying you are a you know what, my reply was to prevent the inappropriate "Nazi calling ). I don’t care what drove you to so far to get a warning. )

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I have to disagree, I think that the §135 of the German criminal code making any racism not an opinion but a crime is a good idea. I live under this law.

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Lots of talk about Poland supplying leopard2 tanks to Ukraine. Here is a good short video about the leopard2 against the T90 tank and training involved with the Leopard tanks