Thank you for the Korean War series

Dear Indy and Crew,
My grandfather served in the USMC during the Korean Conflict. He never spoke in detail about his services before he passed in 1977. I never met my grandfather as I was born in 1996. However, the stories I was told about my grandfather’s kindness-- prior to the ghosts of that conflict claiming his sanity–paint the picture of an honorable and kind man.

Growing up I always wondered what he went through to drive him insane. He went in as a bright eyed idealist eighteen-year-old-boy and left as a haunted twenty-two-year old man. I never could find a series or book that would illustrate what our troops went through during that conflict beyond things that gave broad illustrations or just covered famous events like Frozen Chosin. Until your team announced that they would be giving the same treatment to Korea as the Great War and the Second World War.

So my family and I deeply appreciate this documentary series. It has helped my family understand my grandfather already, even though the Marines have not yet arrived in the timeline and will not until September.