[SPOILERS] Dr. Felton: Find the Führer - The Secret Soviet Investigation


Cool thanks for posting on this "Take me to your leader quest :wink: "


What do you mean find the Fuhrer? He is in Berlin.

The soviets can thank me later.


Indeed, it was a big mistake of them to employ the Red Panters to search for Hitler :slight_smile:


Good conspiracy theory videos. The shoddy medical examination reminds me of the Kennedy autopsy errors. My guess is the truth is less complicated than it seemed but I’m confident Adolf Hitler is dead.


Quite frankly, having been watching Mark Felton for quite a while now, I would think that the proclaimed truth is the actual (Soviet) conspiracy theory (just without a conspiracy really) and that indeed the corpses were fakes and true ones dug away somewhere else to keep the Nazi martyrs from their arch enemies. After all, mystery building and deception were at the core of Nazi politics and PR. I doubt they are in any private collection or that anything of them remains though, let alone that they survived. However, watch the video about Martin Bormann! There I am indeed not so sure …


Welcome to the Forum Christian, and good points. Felton makes very entertaining videos but on a number of occasions he got his facts wrong or got stuck with a dubious versions. For example his lancaster being the backup for the B-29 vid which was debunked by Greggs Airplanes and automobiles. Gregg makes most longer videos and often quite technical but these are excellent!


Watched these and many before with great ideas / theories with good & bad evidence. The statement in the movie by Speer " You must be on stage when the curtain falls" is my take on what happen to the Fuhrer. In this same topic, just wondered why no one talks about the main door to the bunker from the Chancellery. It’s always the back entrance via the garden. The real elephant in the room is, we believe what the Stalin Russians said and given evidence? Or, for that matter, what they say or produce even now? “He’s dead Jim.”


wasn’t the conspiracy that hitler survived berlin debunked since a while.

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Oh yeah, Dr. Felton does talk about that. Hitler was in no shape health-wise to escape, even without the Soviets at his doorstep.


the fact that hitler even lived to commit suicide is a wonder. He did not have the health to escape the soviets.


This is 100% accurate in my mind. Well said.


Hi Chewbacca and thanks for the Tip! I have no clue however, how I should fit ANOTHER YT channel into my viewing schedule! :scream:


I have to second Chewbacca here. When you are done with a Greg’s video you are going to feel you learned something. He obviously has an engineer’s design for thoroughness and I listened to him breaking down performance curves on an airplane at every height and wondered did the pilots actually learn all this?

If you like ships more the channel Drachinefel is another amazing find. He is a naval engineer and sometimes quite thorough but delves more into naval history and has an amazing wit. I still stand by his accounting of the Russian Baltic fleet in the Russo-Japanese war as one of the funniest recounting I have seen on you tube, damm Japanese torpedo boats!

History lurks in many places that is for sure!

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