Set Tentative Date For Draft Lottery (10-3-40)

Reading Eagle (October 3, 1940)


To Hold Drawing Between October 21 and 26

Washington, Oct. 3 (AP) –

The draft lottery to determine the order for calling conscripts into military service, officials said today, will be held here sometime between October 21 and 26.

The exact date will depend on the time required for local draft boards to report through their state headquarters to Washington on the results of registration October 16.

Maj. Ben Howell, director of the manpower division of the Army-Navy Selective Service Committee, explained that after the drawing, at least another five days would be required to print and distribute the “master list” of serial numbers.

The place at which a registered man’s serial number appears on the draft list will determine the order in which the local boards will send in a questionnaire for information on his eligibility for service and also the order in which, if he is eligible, he will be called up for one year military service.

Thus, with registration on October 16, it will be the end of this month or early November before the questionnaires are mailed.

Disclosing all this at a press conference, Major Howell also issued several “reminders” to persons subject to the draft.

When a men registers, the officer said, he should use “utmost care” in giving his correct address. Failure to receive mailed draft orders will not be an excuse for not complying with the orders, he declared.

National Guardsmen who resign when their units are called for service, he said, become subject to registration and conscription, just like other citizens, if they are within the 21-36 age limit. The law permits guardsmen to resign who are at now the rank of captain and have dependents.