Senator Nye charges Jews with pro-war acts (9-18-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (September 18, 1941)


Rochester, NY, Sept. 18 (UP) –
Senator Gerald P. Nye, North Dakotan isolationist, today defended Charles Lindbergh’s Iowa speech and reiterated a charge that:

…those of the Jewish faith are contributing to the cause of intervention.

Senator Nye said that:

At first I wished the Colonel had not been so direct. But as long as interventionists work to interject the antisemitic issue, perhaps this is the time to be speaking very frankly.

As Lindbergh said, without being antisemitic, those of the Jewish faith are contributing to the cause of intervention, Their interest is very natural. If I were one of them, I should feel as they do towards those who have persecuted my people. But I should try not to let my natural hatred blind me to the first and best interest of my own country.

Senator Nye said the President’s last speech was nothing less than a declaration of war by presidential proclamation.

W. W. Waymack, editor of the Des Moines Register, will broadcast a “Reply to Lindbergh” over Station WCAE at 11:30 p.m. today.

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