Sarajevo on Netflix

I have netflix and it seems that one of their newer additions, or a movie I had not noticed before, is Sarajevo.

Sarajevo is the story of a detective or someone in the police who is supposed to make a report about the assassinations of Sophie and Ferdinand.

I am about 1/2 way through the movie.

Anyway, the detective is wondering why the map of the route was told to everybody in advance, and also, why there were so few police or soldiers helping to guard or protect Ferdinand.

This movie is giving the impression that someone or some group of the Austrians helped set up the assassination, by depriving Ferdinand of protection!


If this movie is even somewhat true . . . then . . .

  1. I had always wondered why the assassination seems to have depended on luck to have succeeded and now there may be an answer;
  2. this movie makes a very interesting addition to the question of how was responsible for WWI!

Interesting… Too bad I hate Netflix tho.

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Now that I have read Sleepwalkers and then July 1914 I think that the producers or creators of the Sarajevo movie intentionally distorted things to deflect blame from Serbia! So I do not actually recommend the Sarajevo movie as history at this point! I think it is propaganda!


I see. Well then, I’ll still watch it to see how screwy it gets (if I have a Netflix account, that is).

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Why someone or some group, now in 2020 or 2010 or 2015 would produce intentional propaganda about the beginning of WWI . . . . I do not know!

Either the producers created it as propaganda, or they created it to see if there were gullible people such as myself who would be, easily and temporarily deceived!


Judging by how you talked about the film, definitely the latter.

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Well it is all about ratings and politics. I ran into a group of “WW 1” I’m the past went to them with my dad who told me they look like nice people but talk like Westcorner (neo) Nazis in Belgium . Later I found out that one admitted being a Nazi in youth and he said he wasn’t but boasted how tough his group was.

Some of them argue the narrative that the Allies were fully responsible for WW 1 which set an unstoppable narrative until 1945. Hence Germany was not responsible.

Besides German WW1 flags and pickelhaubes are less suspicious and more legal than WW2 stuff.

Also some of those people use anything as a source and aren’t even aware they are parroting National Socialists. They just stick to books they like and writer even uses 1944 Austrian publications while omitting the year in the hope no one checks sources I guess. I had an online discussion and only argument was that he believed it’s claim Serbia was responsible.

Makes no sense to discuss with these people, sadly there is a huge fake narrative market as new readers might think it are “ exciting new discoveries “.

What I like about TG is that they really are critical to all sides and not invent thing to get better ratings.

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Some controversies abound tho, especially regarding their “Nazis Weren’t Socialists” video.

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Excellent point I think the title sucks. The called themselves National Socialists had Volkswagens an Volksradios and were not Socialists according the definion of e.g. Sanders. “Isms” should never be used without a narrow working definition.

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I’m also pretty mixed on their videos on feminism (especially the first one, though I did love the chemistry between Indy and Anna).

This got me curious. Do you know where the movie was made? Was it an international project? Keep in mind that sometimes national governments will finance movies for an international audience that are designed to push their own agendas.

1 Like has tv and movie reviews and information. The imdb page for this movie says it was produced as a collaboration between German and Austrian TV stations.

The film omits various sorts of information leading to Serbian complicity and culpability and attempts to frame Austria itself and, among other people, the driver of the car in which Ferdinand and Sophie sat.

The film directly says or implies that Austrian military intelligence agents provided the conspirators with money from funds of Austrian military intelligence!

The books the Sleepwalkers and July 1914 run 500 to 1500 pages . . . you assume that the historians who write the books would not miss things, if they were true, such as Austrian militrary intelligence agents or operatives providing funds to Princip and his co-conspirators!

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