I wanted to share this site that colorizes old photos from pre-socialist Bulgaria. It’s a relatively new site but they already have some decent photos and might be worth checking them out.
Site (I’ve selected the ‘war’ category): военни | Royal Bulgaria in Colour | Царство България въ цвѣтъ
Parachute Batallion, 1944; they fought the Germans in Yugoslavia;
Colonel Nikola Drenski; commander of the 55th Ohrid Regiment; Ohrid, late 1944; after the Socialist take power in Bulgaria, the armed forces within Macedonian territory suddenly become surrounded by German forces. Unprepared for a German attack, Bulgarian forces in the city surrender to the Germans. Ashamed by this, Colonel Drenski commits suicide with his pistol. (his fate would’ve been probably similar if he returned to Bulgaria due to the purge of Tsarist officers)
Cavalry regiment on foot, Varna, 1940, preparing to enter Southern Dobrogea; After the Treaty of Craiova, the members of the Lebgvardeisky Cavalry regiment (remember them from TGW episode about Ivan Kolev?) were the first to re-enter the territory. In the background is the Romanian cargo ship ‘Carpati’.