Religion Day by Day – Lovely ladies (2-3-41)

Reading Eagle (February 3, 1941)

By William T. Ellis
Lovely ladies
Doubtless I am an old fogy, but I confess that the made-up faces of modern young women are repugnant to me. Possibly, it is because I long ago saw these arts practiced by the Chinese “sing-song girls,” and by the painted creatures of Japan’s Yoshiwara.

But I do have an appreciative eye for the faces, usually of elderly women, that radiate peace and kindliness and spiritual experiences. I deem these the signature of God. They are the outward expression of inward beauty.

One woman’s prayer was:

God, make me beautiful within.

Not for the sake of outward appearance, but for the possession of inward grace, we should dwell upon thoughts of God, and of His revealings of Himself in other lives.

Our Father, as Thy children we would show the family likeness, Keep us so close to Thee that we may mirror Thy character. Amen.

Read Psalm 45:1-17.