Poem: “A Christmas letter!” (12-24-43)

The Pittsburgh Press (December 24, 1943)

A Christmas letter!

By Fred S. Wertenbach

Dear Santa:

From your well-filled pack
Leave not the gifts from long years back.

The tinsel and the gingerbread!
But bring these worthwhile gifts instead –

The knowledge that the dollar sign
Must not outrank our flag so fine.

Teach workingmen how wrong strikes are
While our sons fight – and die – in war.

Shield us from all the peccadilloes
Of Lewises and Jim Petrillos.

Help us to view with mind serene.
This bungling over gasoline.

Wipe out the shadows dark, that spring
From all this cheap black marketing.

Help Congressmen to understand
They must think first of our dear land.

Give us to know this war’s not won,
But just a BIG JOB – Just begun!

Teach every woman, child and man
To be a true American.

Give us these gifts! Then soon we’ll know
The Christmases – of long ago.