Officer's Lounge (resolved)

After many months of Patreon support I finally got on here and activated my account. As a Captain supporter I am supposed to have access to the Officer’s Lounge and I am having a little trouble in figuring out how to access it. Any help or instructions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and keep up the awesome work.


I was in the same boat my dude. You have to be a subscriber for a certain amount of time before you get access.


Do you remember how long that is because I’ve been subscribed on Patreon since then end of February. The 27th to be exact


I became a Captain 2-3 months ago and I haven’t come across this feature yet. Mind, my TimeGhost Account is in a mess with the subscription side of things. That won’t effect my monthly contribution as my main motivation is the content but would be nice to see.


what is Officer’s Lounge? i have been captain for 7 months and don’t know nothing about it


Apologies, must clarify that I am a Specialist but I should still be getting access to a Lounge in this forum.


I help out the team with solving some technical issues. I just inquired about this and we are aware of the issue. Thanks for your post kweis.

Basically the support is growing faster than the team can keep up with. Which is great, but unfortunately we’re a bit behind with some things on the site. We’re working on it and will hopefully be able to create a lasting solution soon.


Tim thank you for the update and for looking into this.

Everyone keep up the good work


Boy howdy, this forum certainly is something. I was a scab for far too long, finally felt guilty enough to chip in.


To add to @Tim (who is doing great work with us), we did design this Forum as a community space when we started last year in September. However, we are growing at a very rapid pace, which is absolutely great, but also means we have to deal with ever more comments, emails, questions. And the thing with the Forum right now is that the access to the officers lounge for example should be granted manually. And we don’t have a list with people who should be in it, but aren’t. We are looking for ways to automate this.

If any of you all have more questions, feel free to ask them!


where do i have to write or ask that i can have access to officer’s lounge?
i have been 8 months a captain supporter

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This issue should be resolved now. Everyone that has a right to be in the Officer’s Lounge, should have access.

The automation, however, is still work in progress. So do not expect immediate access when getting a new officer pledge, this can take a few days to get updated. In the future, when this automation is implemented, it should take seconds to minutes.

If any out of the ordinary behaviour happens, please let me know! For a bug or issue to get fixed, I have to know about it first.


Thank you Tim. Im glad that is issue has been resolved


Hello, I joined this month as a captain supporter on patreon and I can’t log into the officers lounge.
Is it because I first joined as a specialist and then upgraded to captain?
Thanks in advance.

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Hi Arne,

The update system is still not perfect. I’ll look into the issue soon. Thanks for letting us know.

Hi Arne,

An update was performed. Is the issue resolved now? (Are you able to access the Officer’s Lounge?)

Yes, the issue is solved.
Thank you.

What is the officers lounge?