Niece of Patton takes own life (1-8-46)

The Pittsburgh Press (January 8, 1946)

Niece of Patton takes own life


NEW YORK (UP) – Miss Jean Gordon, 30, a niece of the late Gen. George S. Patton Jr., committed suicide early today, police said.

Miss Gordon, a Red Cross worker who served overseas during the war, was found dead in a gas-filled apartment at 1:45 a.m. She was lying on the floor in a negligee with pictures of her famous solder-uncle around her. A small gas range with four jets open was nearby. She felt no notes.

A resident of South Lincoln, Massachusetts, Miss Gordon had been a guest of Miss Louise Taylor, a dress designer. Miss Taylor was visiting relatives in Hartford, Connecticut.

Miss Gordon was a daughter of Mrs. Conrad Perkins Hathaway of South Lincoln. She made her debut in Boston society during the 1932-33 season.


Do we know why she did this?

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Honestly, no idea. There are theories though.

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I understand, was hoping you had article coming up. :+1:

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