New in Arnhem and wanting some info about operation Market Garden

Hey guys, I’m a long term fan of the work of the time ghost channel (started watching in 2016 - WW1 channel) and finally had the guts to create an account. I’m looking forward to actively engage on the forum.

Well… here is my question. I’m living in the Dutch city of Arnhem since February and life litteraly 100 meter next to the historical John Frostbridge (how awesome is that!!). Because of the whole COVID-19 crisis all the musea are closed and I am desperate to learn more about the real site now that I life here. I already read a lot of books about the whole operation Market Garden and I was wondering if there is someone here on this forum that might be interest to give me a little tour in the area around Arnhem so that we can look at some historical sites.

If there is anyone who lives close to Arnhem and knows some interesting sites about operation Market Garden, than I would like to get in contact with you (I’m Dutch by the way, so that might make things more easy :-))!

Thanks in advance,