Nazis note stock decline on day Roosevelt answered (6-21-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (June 21, 1941)

By Joseph W. Grigg Jr., United Press staff writer

Berlin, June 21 –
An authorized Nazi spokesman today noted that prices on the U.S. Stock Exchange declined two points after President Roosevelt’s message to Congress yesterday, but made no other comment on the latest American attack upon Germany.

Although prices in the New York Stock Exchange were off fractions to one point yesterday, there was no sudden decline after the release of the President’s message which came a few minutes before the close of the market.

The spokesman was asked by foreign newspapermen to make some comment on the President’s statement.

He said:

The United States President issued a message. The largest United States stock exchanges immediately slumped two points. What more need we say?

The spokesman said that he was not authorized to say anything more than this.

The U.S. Embassy received a State Department circular today instructing diplomatic and consular officials to issue no passport visas until further notice to applicants in Germany and German-occupied territory.

It was prepared that this order was in connection with the new ban imposed by Washington on refugees who leave behind relatives or close family connections in German-dominated territory. The order was designed to prevent possible espionage by such refugees induced by Nazi threats against relatives remaining within their power.

It may be assumed, it was said, that Mr. Roosevelt’s statement to Congress is being studied by the highest German quarters, but there has been no indication thus far that any extensive German reply will be made.

In any case, it was noted, there is a normal delay of at least 36 hours before the Germans issue any reply to any important pronouncement from the United States and, in this case, the weekend may cause a further delay.

As is usual, the German press and German radio thus far have made no mention or comment on Mr. Roosevelt’s attack.

An authorized spokesman said that neither the U.S. protest on the sinking of the Robin Moor nor any reply on the German protest against closing of German consulates in the United States had been received here.

It appeared that the Nazi attitude on the Robin Moor would not be disclosed before a formal communication is sent by the United States. There has never been any official admission here that a Nazi submarine was responsible for the sinking but it has been suggested that the ship was carrying contraband to Britain, whatever their nationality.

There seemed small likelihood that Germany would accept any American protest on the Robin Moor ot offer any reparation.