Hi all, first of all let me just say I’ve watched every single video on the WW2 channel except maybe 1-2 of the Pearl Harbor trailers (because I knew I was going to watch the 10 hours anyways haha).
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed how WW2 day by day content starts to get flagged more and more as “age restricted”, and I’ve noticed in the comments that many people are unable to watch. I think this is unfair, uncalled for, and I strongly oppose history being censored like that. This is why I made an account and this very post.
I’ve known a very easy workaround for a long time now, which is to download youtube videos using Clipgrab (free, easy to find and easy to use using google). It skips ads, but given youtube demotisation, you will forgive me, I think we can all agree that getting the content to the viewers is more important.
Now I bet youtube wouldn’t like anyone to pin a comment saying “use Clipgrab, bypass censorship without login”, but I figured if you pinned this very post here, and then somehow mentionned how there’s an explanation on timeghost forums to bypass youtube restrictions without any login anywhere, then maybe hundreds of kids getting denied historical education – but too impatient to figure out a workaround – would then be able to watch without hassle.
I have a lot of respect for you guys, but realistically a lot of people don’t even have the patience to log-in on youtube, let alone join the timeghost army, but I still think everyone should watch your videos regardless.
Never forget.
[edit] I forgot that a lot of people also watch youtube on mobile but Clipgrab is for Windows, Mac and Linux. This greatly diminishes the relevance of this post, although it’s still a practical solution for computer users.
I’m pretty sure there’s similar youtube download apps for iOS and Android if you want to mention them in the comments.