Membership APIs fixed

Some people have experienced problems with their memberships lapsing at the end of the month, or not being activated after paying with PayPal. @Sampath has been working on getting that fixed and has now competed a new version of our application interface to PayPal as well as an improved workflow for Patreon memberships. We have updated all members to the most recents taus and all memberships should now reflect the correct state.

As far as we can see everything is working correctly, but as is the nature of IT development is, there could be some lingering problem we have overlooked. If you experience any problems logging in, or your membership is not correctly reflected, please contact us immediately.


I wanted to contact you via the “Contact us” form, but it shows only:
[contact-form-7 404 “Not Found”]
That’s why I answer here.

I do have a Patreon pledge but on the Site it is being shown ad not active. There is a “Subscribe” button next to it, but when clicked it says:
ERROR: You already have a subscription to this Membership. Please update your payment details on the existing subscription instead of purchasing again.

“Please update your payment details” is a link, but when clicked it leads me back to the subsciption site.
On Patreon the subscription is shown as active and paid.

Anna, it seems your subscription wasn’t set right during the batch upload of new settings - I’ve fixed it and it should be working now. Sorry for the inconvenience (we will also fix the contact us button).


Thanks for all the hard work in fixing issues and helping us out, it’s much as appreciated. As someone working in the field of IT development, I know your pains.

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