I have wondered over the many comments on Youtube in contrast to the rather few active users here in the TGA forum. Is it possible to link form The Youtube comments to this forum? Is there a similar discussion forum on Patreon? Does Patreon subscribers also have acces to this forum? Who are responsible for the effort to create more users and traffic in the forum?
Well think about it. YouTube is free and well advertised.
TimeGhost forums are only for TimeGhost supporters so it is behind a paywall. I guess Indy is responsible because every video he asks people to support the TimeGhost army.
Not sure if YouTube allows non YouTube links in comments. I suspect not because that would invite all sorts of bad actors.
I have never figured out how to copy YouTube comments anywhere.
@dan.harnden Ihave put a link to this forum in the comments in the newest episode on YouTube. 154 - Guadalcanal - Allies Take the Initiative - WW2 - August 7, 1942 - YouTube
Maybe you can checks if it works? Just thought that we must work on more traffic in this forum. There is app 35 active users out of 1700 users.
Ok tried it twice. The link works fine. You have to log in to reply and navigation away from the thread you show is kinda difficult, especially if you are a first time user.
If I understand that we have about 35 active vs 1700 TimeGhost army members, I would encourage the team to add a link to the TimeGhost forum in the first comment of every video. This is the most likely to be seen.
if you click on the three stribes to the left of your user icon and choose users you will get the overall userstat. Incl number of total users.