Letters from readers (1-24-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (January 24, 1941)

Asks Willkie for reason he reverses stand on FDR

Editor, The Pittsburgh Press:

An answer by Mr. Willkie, as among those advocating the passage of the President’s lease-loan bill, even with a time limit, to the following would be interesting:

When you were campaigning for President, you gave the American people a very high opinion of the earnestness and sincerity of your convictions. You also left little doubt in the minds of your hearers as to your opinion of the President’s total unfitness to handle the administration of important governmental affairs, past or future, either wisely or well. In the short time that has elapsed since you broadcasted this opinion from coast to coast, would you tell us what has so completely reversed your judgment of the President’s qualifications as to now urge that we entrust to his sole judgment the administration of the most sweeping powers and vital decisions ever in the history of our country to be reposed in one man?

Oakdale, PA

Ex-Republican tells why he now is a Democrat

Editor, The Pittsburgh Press:

Since the election, I have been asked why I am a Democrat. This I will answer through your valuable paper.

I am now past 73 and have lived through and voted for many Republican administrations. In October 1889, I finished my apprenticeship as a journeyman carpenter and was hired by the Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh Div., west of Pittsburgh, which was called the Panhandle. I received 20¢ per hour which at that time was the standard wage for carpenters and we worked 10 hours per day and six days per week. For overtime we received the same.

I finished my service in June 1937, and retired with a generous pension, far above what I received as carpenter in 1889. In my last years of service, I received approximately $250 per month and expenses. In all my railroad service, I never received any substantial raise in wages until under the Democratic administration. Now that is why I am a Democrat.

421 Ridge Ave.
Carnegie, PA

Sees Soviet-Nazi Pact prolonging the war

Editor, The Pittsburgh Press:

I believe that our people are now convinced that it is impossible to convert the U.S.S.R. to our side.

The latest trade agreement which Moscow signed with Berlin calling for delivery of vital war goods to Germany up to August 1942, consequently will cause a prolongation of the European conflict. IOt was Stalin who by signing a misnamed non-aggression pact with Hitler started the Nazis on their campaign for the suppression of the cultured people in Europe.

I often ponder over the entire international situation and am astonished that there are many of our citizens who heap condemnation upon the Japanese while these same individuals fail to accuse the Soviets for their intrigue against minor nations.

Staten Island, NY

Sees lease bill giving dictatorial powers

Editor, The Pittsburgh Press:

It is my opinion that the sooner we tag the lend and lease bill what it really is, a bill to give President Roosevelt dictatorial authorization, the better off we will be. Every mother and father whose boys are of military age ought to write to the members of Congress, urging the maintenance of the present Neutrality Law and the Johnson Act. Drastic opposition should be given all attempts to enact other laws circumventing the intents and purposes of these two safeguards.

Should the United States survive as a democracy after this war, such names as Tydings, Vandenberg, Wheeler, Holt, Nye, Fish, Johnson from California, Johnson from Washington, and Father Charles E. Coughlin should have their names inscribed in the hall of fame.

I suppose I will be called pro-Nazi or an appeaser but I love America. America can survive if it is run by men who love this country and its people.