Kickstarter Contribution Followup

Hi Timeghost, an early Kickstarter backer here.

I would like to request help regarding my Kickstarter contribution way back in early 2018. The initial discussion started when I reached out to Timeghost via Kickstarter saying I wanted to contribute to Timeghost’s Kickstarter campaign but couldn’t do it via Kickstarter due to my credit card limitation. Thus I promised to send my contributions in 6 installments through my Paypal account directly to the OnLion Gmbh Paypal account back then.

I’ve never received any merchandise packages or extras since my initial contribution except the online subscription. Who can I reach out to to discuss this matter?Thanks in advance.


I don’t think many got the merchandise. I got my patch, but no news on the T-shirt.

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Yea I’ve got nothing at all although I contributed quite a lot back then (above $1000). I guess a commemorative pin would be awesome rather than not getting anything at all

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Guess this won’t ever get solved :pensive:

I also am an early backer and the only thing I ever received was the patch.

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