Joakim Rønneberg, Commando in Operation Gunnerside

Joakim Rønneberg born in 30. August 1919 in Borgund was a Norwegian officer and journalist. He left Norway on 13. Mars 1941 to originally join the Norwegian Navy. He joined in Kompani Linge and trained in Special Operations Executives. He later became instructure for sabotage and explotions.

He became the leder of the group Swallow/ Gunnerside and led the successful mission of sabotaging the heavy water in Rjukan. Later he would say: “Vi gjorde bare en jobb. Vi hadde flaks. Absolutt flaks, men også svært god etterretning om målet” “We just did our job. we got lucky. Absoluty lucky, but also an exelent intelligent on the target” (Arnfinn Mauren: «– Det var som å sette en hvilken som helst ladning», Aftenposten , 24. februar 2013, s. 22–23.)

He got decorated with “Warcross with sword” and “St. Olavs medal with Oak Branch” amoungst other highly decorated medals and titles. He also got decorated with Distinguished Service Order and Medal of Freedom in Silver palm. He died the 21st october 2018 with full military honor and state funeral