The Pittsburgh Press (July 20, 1941)
Matsuoka turns file over to successor
Tokyo, July 19 (UP) –
Yōsuke Matsuoka, resigned Foreign Minister, turned over his files to his successor, Admiral Teijirō Toyoda, today as Japan’s new “national renovation” cabinet was installed in office.
Matsuoka, showing the effect of an illness incurred before the collapse of the old cabinet, said as he entered the Foreign Office that:
Now I am a free man, I shall devote myself to reading.
There will be no necessity for me to take office again. I do not intend to do so. But I am resolved to face any difficulties should a serious crisis visit Japan.
Matsuoka said he had complete confidence in his successor.
Little ceremony attended Matsuoka’s visit and as he left, one voice among the officials and functionaries there said:
Matsuoka ̄-san banzai!
[san is a courtesy title and banzai means good wishes for a long life].