Regarding the 9th of April episode – Invasion of Denmark and Norway
Hi all
My name is Jonas, I`m Danish and a great fan of WW2 week by week. I think the show is fantastic and very well presented by Mr. Indy. Thank you.
I do have one thing to add. I felt there was a lack of details on the invasion of Denmark. In fact it was rather brief and I felt it was a shame. Yes I am Danish myself so I am biased. Nevertheless, I give you here a description of some of the fighting that occurred in the early morning hours of 9th of April 1940.
At around 4 am on the morning of the 9th of April, the Danish garrison in the south of Jutland was alerted by the border gendarmes that a large force of armoured vehicles and motorized infantry had crossed the Danish frontier. The Danish troops, sleeping in their uniforms, were quickly mustered and issued live ammunition.
This story will follow the engagement of elements of 1st and 4th infantry company of the 4th Danish bicycle battalion under the command of Captain Bartholdy.
The objective of this ad-hoc force was to defend Bredevad (pronounced breevath) the center of the main line of resistance covering the narrow part of southern Jutland (from east to west).
The Danish force was armed with old Kragg-Jorgensen rifles (a 5 round bolt action rifle which had to reloaded with single rounds), Madsen (pronounced masen) machine guns (air-cooled with a box magazine like the Bren Gun) and a 20mm semi-automatic cannon with a 10-round magazine.
The Danish force had hardly arrived at Bredevad before the vanguard of the German force was spotted. Quickly Captain Bartholdy deployed his men in improvised defensive positions, behind walls, in ditches, behind trees and folds in the ground. The 20mm cannon was placed to cover the main road. The German force consisted of 4 tanks (Panzer I or II) 2 armoured cars and some motorcycle infantry.
The lead tank came up the road with a white flag. The Danish Captain hesitated when he saw the white flag and ordered a warning shot to be fired. The German tank discarded the white flag and drove straight towards the Danes.
The Captain yelled “range 300 meters. Give them all you got!” the next shot from the 20mm killed the German driver in the lead tank and the crew bailed out. The German tanks returned fire while the German infantry dismounted and deployed for an attack.
On the main road the three German tanks pushed on. The 20mm cannon hit one tank, that ended in a ditch, and another tank that drove into a tree. However, the last tank wounded all 4 gun crews.
Along the road the Danish light machine gunners stopped the assaulting German platoon but the German MG34s placed effective fire on the Danish squads and killed the Danish machine gunner Private Andersen. Private Søgaard took over the gun and fired several magazines until he too has killed. This enabled the German infantry to outflank the Danish position.
The Danish Captain ordered a withdraw to a large inn in the rear. At the inn the Captain took stock of the situation. He had no communication with higher headquarters, the position was outflanked, he had no artillery support and several of his light machine guns were put out of action.
He decided to surrender.
The German officers treated the Danes well and asked with surprise why the Danes had resisted. The Germans thought that they came to protect the Danes (against who the story doesn’t tell). One of the German soldiers said about the Danes “They are ugly soldiers, but they are cheeky fellows and they can shoot straight”.
Børge Outzen “Danmark under anden Verdenskrig”
Translated by Jonas Alastair Juhlin