“Indian” Zuni Pueblo tensions because of the “White mans” war

This 1948 study focuses on the numerous changes the war caused on the small Native American settlement which until then had largely ignored the Western religion and colonizers. English was still there second language, an anthropologist was kicked out an had his notes burned by the tribal council etc.

However, the war meant that lot of men where drafted, leaving a lot of jobs to older men and women. Also the war economy led to a lot jobs in the silver arts which brought a lot of money and materialism in the Pueblo.

When the veterans came back they also brought what we now call PTSD issues, religious issues and anger between those who went overseas and those who converted to tribal clergy (rain maker/sholaki)

There is a LOT more in this paper and note that tribes in the USA are very different from eachother unlike what many European visitors expect (Winnetou from Karl May springs to mind)

IMHO, a long read but well worth it.



Tons of really good free sources here. I love :two_hearts: these digitized library books and New Mexico is my favorite state as it combines the oldest and the newest. Visit ancient Santa Fe and it’s Indian arts and crafts or the Billy the Kid museum in the morning and take Jet fighter lesson or tour of Space Port America in the afternoon Not to mention the enchanting landscape.
