Holocaust survivor testimony

Hello, as we continue to move further and further away from the Holocaust there are less and less survivors to tell their stories. I work with an international organization dedicated to fighting antisemitism. As part of that the organization sends a Holocaust Survivor named Irving Roth around to speak about his experience in the Holocaust on College Campuses (here in the US). As part of your WW2 series “War on Humanity” would you ever consider doing an interview with a Holocaust survivor?

Irving Roth was 6 years old when he was sent to his first Concentration camp and through that experience lost his brother and grandparents. I think it would be powerful not only to have an interview segment with him, but to share the message of battling antisemitism across the world like only a large platform like you guys can.

I do not work within the organization since I’m just a student, but if you’re interested in something like this I would love to connect the two groups. If this was something you would ever consider for the next 5 years of your show I would advise you to look into it since Irving Roth and others aren’t going to stay around forever.


Do you work with the ADL? We definitely need to hear more of these firsthand accounts. I spoke some with Ralph Baer, the vast majority about technical matters, but once he talked about his experiences and the things he had seen. He got to the States in '39 though. Some 40% of American youth know nothing about The Holocaust, so these interviews are invaluable.


I do not work with ADL, I’m in college, so I don’t work with any organization. I just know of a group and have contacts with people. Though I think any interview with a Holocaust Survivor would be powerful and great for the “War Against Humanity” series. Irving Roth is a gentleman I know I could reach out to through them. Like you said, this topic is sadly being forgotten and neglected in classrooms, a youtube video would be the perfect way to teach this new generation about the horrors.