Hitler's talks gotta be good or U.S. radio nets won't broadcast them (5-6-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (May 6, 1941)


…or U.S. radio nets won’t broadcast them

New York, May 6 (UP) –
The major radio networks henceforth will not broadcast Adolf Hitler’s speeches in this country just because they’re Adolf Hitler’s speeches, it was indicated today.

If it is known in advance that the Führer is going to say something of great historical importance or of public interest to Americans, however, they will broadcast his words, as they have in the past.

None of the major networks carried Hitler’s speech last Sunday, but all carried news summaries of what he said.

The Mutual Broadcasting System said there was “no censorship involved” and “no collusion” with the other networks.

The National Broadcasting Co. said it would continue to “monitor” Hitler’s speeches and, if their contents warranted, would rebroadcast them in his voice with interpolated translations.

The Columbia Broadcasting System said Hitler’s speech last Sunday came at a time when a devotional program was being carried on the CBS network and that:

…to have carried Hitler’s words in a foreign language would have deprived millions of listeners of… religious inspiration and solace.