The Pittsburgh Press (June 12, 1941)
By Helen Kirkpatrick
London, June 12 –
An acute crisis in German-Russian relations is expected here to develop within the next week, following reports that the Germans have more than 100 divisions lined up along the frontier.
British Ambassador Sir Stafford Cripps reached London last night from Stockholm. Reports of German troop concentrations had been received in London before his arrival, however, and his visit – the first since he went to Moscow a year ago, was arranged before the present crisis appeared imminent.
However, as early as May 1, it was known that Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg, the German Ambassador to Russia, had returned to Moscow with certain proposals. He indicated that Hitler would be prepared to accept an invitation to visit Moscow and to outline full German-Russian collaboration.
The invasion was not forthcoming and von der Schulenburg is believed to have offered the Kremlin Germany’s terms. The exact nature of these never was known but it was thought they consisted of closer economic collaboration, Russian recognition of Germany’s new European order, and a free hand for Germany in the Dardanelles for Turkey. In return, the Russian sphere of influence would be permitted to extend over all the territory east of the present frontiers.
Revive anti-Communism
Shortly afterward, Dr. Kurt Schnurre, German trade representative who had negotiated trade agreements between Germany and Russia last fall and this January, returned to Moscow to discuss with Deputy Foreign Trade Commissar Krutikov the extension of those agreements. Nothing so far has emerged from these conversations.
Polish information circles here have been reporting from Poland an intensification of the Ukrainian separatist movement encouraged by the Germans. The German radio and newspapers have once again revived anti-Communist trends.
Moscow has maintained a complete silence throughout the last two months.
The intensive training which the Red Army has been undergoing,l and its concentration along the frontiers, have convinced some that the Russians will fight. Others are equally convinced that Stalin will yield to the German threat. Most agree, however, that Hitler is ready to attack Russia if his demands are not accepted.
It is believed that the Germans will issues an ultimatum to Moscow in the next few days and, failing its acceptance, attack next week.
If the invasion of Russia were successful, it is believed that Hitler would turn to the United States and Britain and offer peace, indicating the tremendous scope of his power and his control of raw materials and pointing out that he would rid the world of the Communist danger.