There’s a common trope of a moral argument in TV and movies when looking at the possibility of time travel: killing Hitler.
Considering there were around 100 recorded attempts on Hitler’s life, it doesn’t appear to so easy. (Maybe some of those attempts were by frustrated time travellers?)
Also, given what we know about the militarism of Wehrmacht and the twinning of interests with the Nazi party, would killing Hitler really have made much of a difference?
Depends on when exactly he was killed what the outcome would be, but another war involving a revisionist Germany was incredibly likely to happen regardless
I wonder if it is conceivable that even a Nazi Germany without Hitler would not have invaded Russia if Hitler was assassinated before June 1941… Many Germans never wanted a two-front war, a whole lot of the military included. If Hitler is killed in 1938 after the Munich crisis or early 1939 I wonder how things would have played out.
What about a time traveling Einstein who zaps using electricity that flows through his hands?
My favorite what-if when it comes to Hitler assassination attempts is the Elser bomb.
Who takes power after Hitler is blown up into a thousand pieces? At that stage probably Göring who is not yet discredited over Luftwaffe failures and will likely get support from army generals and other conservative elements who distrust the SS and the party radicals.
Heydrich hasn’t got the power yet that he did in 1941-1942. Bormann isn’t even a factor as Hess still is the party chairman.
But as said, all remains speculation.