Goering reported to have killed self, daughters (4-27-45)

The Pittsburgh Press (April 27, 1945)

Goering reported to have killed self, daughters

LONDON, England (UP) – A Zurich dispatch of the Exchange Telegraph said today that Reich Marshal Hermann Goering shot his five daughters and then himself when the Nazis sentenced him to death and ordered him to execute his own death sentence.

The British Who’s Who says Goering has only two daughters.

The Exchange Telegraph dispatch said the commandant of Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler’s bodyguard read a Nazi death sentence to Goering, newly replaced as head of the German Air Force, and ordered him to carry it out.

An unidentified Zurich diplomat was quoted by the Exchange Telegraph as giving this melodramatic account of the crackup in the top ranks of the Nazi Party:

Last Monday, Goering sent Hitler an urgent letter requesting him to accept with the Nazi Party the consequences of a lost war and thus spare the Germans further bloodshed.

The same night Himmler replied by sending his own bodyguard to Goering’s home, where his wife, Emmy, was present, and Goering’s fate was sealed.

The diplomat was quoted as saying that, according to one version, the bodyguard shot down Goering and his wife without warning. Goering was married to former actress Emmy Sonneman.