I was posting a colorized photo of Dusko Popov when all of the files for colorization went missing. The notification in my laptop stated that I deleted them despite the fact that I only deleted one file and that was the Popov file (because I have finished it). Now that I have restored the file, it’s the only file to be seen on the folder and I seem to be the only one with access to the folder. I looked at previous versions and even the deleted files section and found nothing. For Dropbox users, what happened? Is there another folder that exists for colorization? Where are the old files? Are they lost for good? I hope not.
@Joram hasn’t responded to my messages regarding Dropbox in over a week. I’m really concerned. Call me crazy, but did they fire me or something? 'Cause I tried e-mail, Twitter, Discord and got nothing.
To any Dropbox user reading this, do you have the new link to the folder for colorization?
His last message. July 7:
Hey Norman! I’m sorry, I have a chaotic week. You didn’t do anything wrong, we’re reorganizing the archive and colorizing system. I’ll send you how it is going to work tomorrow morning!