Ferguson: The real culprits (2-2-46)

The Pittsburgh Press (February 2, 1946)


Ferguson: The real culprits

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

In municipal court an angry wife pointed an accusing finger at a nice-looking blond. To the judge she pleaded: “Save my husband from that woman. While my children are at home hungry, he is out spending his money on her. The rent is due. There is not a mouthful of food in the house. I have pleaded with this girl to give him up.”

The judge orders the husband to mend his way and fines the blond for disorderly conduct.

These nasty little matrimonial tugs-of-war over wastrels are common. At first glance, public anger is directed at the feminine vandal who raids another woman’s home and makes off with her property.

But isn’t it time some wrathful block-busters fell on the real culprits of these domestic tragedies – the husbands?

Remember how often men insist they are the stronger sex? They always have boasted about their profounder wisdom, their superior powers of penetration and reasoning. Yet look at how few of them have enough stamina or sense to withstand the faintest of come-hither gestures from female bandits.

These men voluntarily have taken on the responsibilities of marriage. Some have good, faithful wives and children whom they profess to love. What then must we think when so many of them are cleaned out of pocket yearly by professional sirens who can be spotted a mile off?

Modern husbands ought to know what the lurking ladies want of them. It isn’t love. They want cold, hard cash.

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