Election 1944: Women Democrats map vote drive (9-5-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (September 5, 1944)


Women Democrats map vote drive

Democratic women in Pennsylvania are planning the “most intensive drive on registration and getting out the vote since women won suffrage,” Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller, Democratic National Committeewoman, announced today.

Women Democrats opened their campaign today with a regional conference here and in Oil City, the first of six similar feelings.

‘Democratic Women’s Day’

At these conferences plans will be made for “National Democratic Women’s Day,” Sept. 27, when Democratic women’s groups will meet in every precinct in the state.

Mrs. Miller said:

In the hundreds of thousands of homes where a son or sons are in the Armed Forces, the last thought of every woman at night is: “How soon will my boy get home?” And the mothers, wives and sisters of our fighting Pennsylvania boys realize only too well the war will be ended and the boys brought home sooner if President Roosevelt is kept in command, rather than turn the conduct of this great conflict over to the thoroughly inexperienced Governor Dewey.

There is an unprecedented activity on the part of Pennsylvania women in this election and they will have a great deal to do with putting it in the Democratic column. Until Oct. 7 [the last day to register for the Nov. 7 election], an intensive drive to get voters registered will be carried on, reaching through every precinct.