The Pittsburgh Press (October 19, 1944)
GOP candidate hits ‘New Deal cynicism’
En route to Fresno, California (UP) –
Ohio Governor John W. Bricker winds up his five-day campaign for California’s 25 electoral votes tonight at Fresno where he delivers his 19th speech since entering the state.
The GOP vice-presidential nominee carries his drive into Nevada tomorrow with speeches at Reno, Sparks and Lovelock.
Bricker opened his final day in California with a speech at Bakersfield today. He also made rear-platform talks at Tulare and Selma.
He told a Los Angeles audience last night that Senator Harry S. Truman, his Democratic opponent for the Vice Presidency, bespoke “New Deal cynicism” when he admitted he had Pendergast machine support. He also said that Mr. Truman, in his speech two days prior in the same auditorium, “insulted” industry, labor and armed service personnel when he “accredited” the Roosevelt administration with “the miracle of war production – indeed for winning the war itself.”
Mr. Bricker asserted:
I want to say to you, right at the outset that these historic results have been achieved not because of the New Deal, but often in spite of the New Deal.
Citing the fact that Mr. Truman could become President, Governor Bricker condemned the Missourian for his statement that “a statesman is only a dead politician” and Mr. Truman’s disclaimer that he wanted to be “a statesman.”
The time has come to eliminate such cynicism from our political life and restore the Presidency of the United States to its rightful place of dignity and honesty.
Following his three Nevada speeches tomorrow, Governor Bricker will campaign in Utah Friday.