Election 1944: Rayburn advises Texas electors to vote with people (7-29-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (July 30, 1944)


Rayburn advises Texas electors to vote with people

Bonham, Texas (UP) – (July 29)
House Speaker Sam Rayburn told a harmonious Pro-Roosevelt Fannin County Convention here today that, if electors chosen by the people do not vote as directed, “they will be the greatest embezzlers of all time.”

Speaker Rayburn, speaking extemporaneously, said:

I plan to vote for all nominees of the Democratic Party from constable up to President and I want my vote counted.

If I were not a Democrat, I would not participate in the convention and primary.

The Speaker said everyone will have an opportunity to vote for either the Democratic ticket headed by President Roosevelt or the Republican ticket headed by New York’s Governor Thomas E. Dewey.

He declared:

And if the vast majority of Texans cast their voted for the ticket headed by Mr. Roosevelt – as I think they will – then the electors will be the greatest embezzlers of all time if they fail to cast their vote as directed by Texas Democrats.

I hope and trust that every county convention will send a delegation to the state convention that will, in some manner, right the matter of the electors so that they will cast their votes as the people of Texas intend them to be cast.