Election 1944: Pre-convention news

Völkischer Beobachter (June 17, 1944)

Verworrene Innenpolitik der USA –
Katalog der Präsidentschaftskandidaten

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

dr. th. b. Stockholm, 16. Juni –
In wohlbemessenen Dosen hat Roosevelt immer wieder die Meldung verbreiten lassendes scheine noch nicht sicher oder wahrscheinlich, daß er zum viertenmal kandidieren werde. Dabei hat kein ernsthafter Mensch jemals daran gezweifelt, daß er das nicht versuchen würde. Wenn jetzt also der Daily Express aus Washington meldet, in Kreisen, die dem Weißen Haus naheständen, erkläre man, daß sich Roosevelt nun doch endgültig entschlossen habe, zum viertenmal zu kandidieren, so ist das alles andere als eine Sensation. Wer als Vizepräsident kandidieren soll, ist allerdings weniger klar.

Der bisherige Vizepräsident Wallace versucht zur Zeit, Bolschewisten und Tschungking-Chinesen durch zu nichts verpflichtende Reden zu beglücken. Seine Aussichten sind nicht groß. „Big Business“ liegt ihm nicht. Anders ist es mit Wendell Willkie, der als republikanischer Kandidat ausgespielt hat – noch einmal wollen sich die Republikaner durch eine Scheinoffensive wie 1940 nicht aufs Glatteis führen lassen – aber doch in einzelnen Staaten des Mittelwestens über eine ansehnliche Zahl von Anhängern verfügt, die er als Morgengabe in die politische Ehe mit Roosevelt einbringen könnte.

Sollte Wendell Willkie wirklich als Vizepräsident von den Demokraten aufgestellt werden, was durchaus noch nicht sicher ist, so würde sich das innerpolitische Bild noch mehr als bisher verwirren. Zum Schluss dürfte niemand mehr recht wissen, für wen oder für was er wählt, so fließend sind die Grenzen zwischen den Parteien geworden. In Roosevelt und Dewey, dem wahrscheinlichen Kandidaten der Republikaner, stehen sich zwar zwei ausgeprägte Persönlichkeiten gegenüber. Mit einem Gegensatz der Charaktere und Temperamente aber läßt sich ein Wahlkampf allein kaum bestreiten.

Auf welcher Grundlage und mit welchen Parolen der Wahlkampf auch immer ausgefochten werden wird – feststeht, daß er sich auf das Feld der Innenpolitik beschränken muß, es sei denn, es käme während des Wahlkampfes zu einer militärischen Katastrophe für Roosevelt.

Die Demokraten werden auf die „Fortschritte“ hinweisen, die das Land in den letzten elf Jahren gemacht hat. Die Republikaner werden demgegenüber betonen, daß „frisches Blut“ notwendig sei. Die Republikaner werden das Zentralisierungsbestreben der Regierung angreifen. Die Demokraten werden entgegnen, daß ohne eine gewisse Zentralisierung Reformen nicht möglich seien. Die Republikaner werden erklären, daß die Agrarpolitik der Regierung zu einer Warenverknappung geführt hat. Die Demokraten werden von einer Stabilisierung in der Landwirtschaft sprechen. Die Republikaner werden es als verfassungswidrig bezeichnen, daß ein Mann über zwei Perioden hinaus Präsident ist. Die Demokraten werden entgegnen, daß man Roosevelt als Führer im Kriege nicht entbehren könne. Die Republikaner werden behaupten, daß die Kriegsanstrengungen nationale Einigkeit erfordern und daß das amerikanische Volk mehr und mehr republikanisch gesinnt sei. Die Demokraten werden das auf das bestimmteste verneinen.

Solche Kontroversen und noch manche andere müssen also ausreichen, um einen Wahlkampf zu bestreiten, dessen Bedeutung für den weiteren Kriegsverlauf zwar groß, aber noch nicht entscheidend ist. Der Ruck nach der republikanischen Seite hält zwar an, aber es bleibt weiter zweifelhaft, ob die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung der Vereinigten Staaten bereit ist, „in der Furt die Pferde zu wechseln.“ Alles hängt, wie gesagt, von der weiteren militärischen Entwicklung ab.

Neutrale Beobachter in den Vereinigten Staaten sind in ihrer Beurteilung der öffentlichen Meinung nach dem Beginn der Invasion sehr vorsichtig. Sie weisen darauf hin, „daß die meisten Amerikaner eigentlich erst seit der letzten Woche ähnlich wie Willkie entdeckt hätten, daß die Erde rund ist.“ Die Kämpfe in der Normandie stießen nicht nur, weil hunderttausend amerikanische Truppen in sie verwickelt seien und schwere Verluste erlitten, auf tieferes Interesse, als man ursprünglich vermutet habe. Man müsse abwarten, ob diese Reaktion anhalte, vor allem aber abwarten, welche Folgen ein ernsthafter Rückschlag haben werde.

The Brooklyn Eagle (June 18, 1944)


Would use Farley, Bricker in presidential coalition

Washington (UP) – (June 17)
Rep. Noah M. Mason (R-IL) today proposed former Democratic National Chairman James A. Farley as vice-presidential candidate on a coalition ticket with Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio as the presidential nominee.

Mason said:

A coalition ticket such as this would provide a clean-cut division between conservatives and radicals.

It would mean that internationalists and left-wingers would remain New Dealers and all conservatives and nationalists would find a home in the Republican Party.


Heffernan: Bricker and state’s rights

In one of the radio forums the other night, John W. Bricker, Governor of Ohio, contended for the rights and asserted the ability of the states to meet the economic problems of the post-war era. Governor Bricker, an avowed candidate for the Republican nomination for the Presidency, pointed out that the huge debt of the national government, the tremendous cost of administration of the New Deal theories and extension of an already-insupportable parasitic bureaucracy would not only deprive Americans of the liberties they once enjoyed but incapacitate the federal administration, leaving it without ability to meet the situation which will arise when the litigation of the guns has ceased.

On the other hand, said the Governor of Ohio, the states are in the main in a better financial condition to provide the needed remedies and sustain the federal government in the performance of the functions which the necessities of the time may demand.

There is a growing number of people in the United States who are more and more finding themselves in agreement with the fine American statesman, whose gubernatorial activities in the great state of Ohio have set an example of inestimable value. These people realize that the war has taken from us the cream of our young manhood. They feel that it is their obligation to keep for those men now in service the America for whose sake the men in the fighting lines have placed their lives on the altar of sacrifice. And they have the guarantee of his record that John Bricker knows how to administer American constitutional government justly, efficiently and with benefit to all his people.

It was my hope that when events began to favor the Republican Party that party would forget patronage, forget cheap politics and not repeat the Harding mistake of 1920. It was my hope that it would not forget that its noblest exemplar and greatest President summed up all that there is of American democracy in these words:

That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

The states of the Union are the natural pillars of the federal government. Jefferson so called them long ago. To set up instead of them artificial regional areas, each governed by an appointive satrap of an all-powerful central government, is not to go forward but to go backward to the old systems that have cursed the Old World for generations. Can we not remember that it was Mussolini and Hitler who declared that democracy was dead? Are we to bury it next November?


CIO Political Action Committee moves to hop over law barrier

Washington (UP) – (June 17)
The CIO Political Action Committee moved today to strengthen its hand in the 1944 presidential campaign by announcing plans for a committee modeled after national political parties, which would be exempt from the Smith-Connally Act’s restraints.

Already committed to support President Roosevelt and Vice President Henry A. Wallace for reelection, the Political Action Committee revealed plans to establish a national committee, with representatives from outside as well as within the ranks of labor, which would receive and spend voluntary contributions from individuals.

The plans were announced at the closing session of a two-day conference attended by 300 delegates representing CIO affiliates.

CIO President Philip Murray and Political Action Committee Chairman Sidney Hillman told the conference that the proposed program would set up machinery for achieving goals ln the platform adopted by the delegates yesterday. They also assailed Governor Dewey of New York and Governor Bricker of Ohio, the principal candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.

While Hillman reiterated that the Political Action Committee had no purge list, he promised that foes of the committee could expect “more surprises” and that changes would be made in the membership of Congress.

The Free Lance-Star (June 20, 1944)


More recognition for South is asked

Richmond, Virginia (AP) –
Governor Colgate Darden Jr. has given his approval to a proposal by Alabama Governor Chauncey Sparks calling for more recognition of the South in Democratic councils and a sympathetic recognition of its social and economic problems in the writing of the next Democratic platform.

The Virginia Governor informed Sparks that he believed “sound and constructive” suggestions to that effect were made by Governor Sparks. The latter had asked for opinions from other Southern governors.

Among the Alabama chief executive’s suggestions, which have also been approved by North Carolina Governor Broughton, was that the South should be given the Vice Presidency spot if President Roosevelt is renominated. Broughton is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for that office.

Sparks also suggested that the platform should “recognize the inherent right of every state to control its internal affairs” and should call for “equal economic opportunity for every section.”

The Free Lance-Star (June 22, 1944)


Predict Roosevelt to accept 4th term

Washington (AP) –
Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia came out of President Roosevelt’s office today and predicted the Chief Executive will accept a fourth term nomination of it is tendered him by the Democratic National Convention.

The Governor, freely admitting he had “talked politics” with the President, said he would not be surprised if Mr. Roosevelt makes a public statement shortly after next week’s Republican convention “as to his willingness to abide by party decisions irrespective of his personal desires and that he will submit to the mandates of the Democratic convention.”

The Georgia Democrat voiced this comment to reports as he left the White House after an appointment with Mr. Roosevelt which some Democrats in Congress hailed as a peace gesture toward Southern Democrats, some of whom have been cool toward the fourth term movement.

The Governor said Georgia’s electoral vote will be pledged to support the party nominee and said the action could be taken as a castigation of Texas, Mississippi and South Carolina where proposals have been made that electoral votes be withheld if the Democratic platform contains planks distasteful to the South.


Bricker to keep name in running

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
Ohio Governor John W. Bricker asserted flatly at a press conference today he would not withdraw his name from consideration for the Republican presidential nomination. He added he did not expect to be offered the vice-presidential place on the ticket.

The Ohio Governor, who arrived with a fanfare of a band playing the strains of “Beautiful Ohio,” met the press in a conference preceding his appearance tomorrow before the convention’s resolutions committee when he will report as chairman of a post-war advisory group on domestic issues.

The gray-haired Governor, flashing a smile, told reporters that he intended to keep his name before the convention despite reports that New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey has a long lead in delegate support.

The Free Lance-Star (June 23, 1944)


Boom for Byrd

GOP Congressmen see him as possibility for second place

Washington (AP) –
A boom for Senator Byrd (D-VA) as the vice-presidential candidate nominee on the Republican ticket developed today among GOP members of Congress.

House Republican Leader Martin (R-MA), who will be the permanent chairman of the Chicago Republican convention convening Monday, told newspapermen “there appears to be a great deal of sentiment for Senator Byrd.” He added that, “I’ll have to get to Chicago before I know just how strong this sentiment is.”

Rep. Knutson, Republican leader of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, told reporters he would arrive in Chicago Saturday, and would promote the idea of offering the Virginian the second place on the Republican ticket.

Rep. Eaton (R-NJ), ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was in the group discussing the convention and commented:

Senator Byrd is a great national asset. His party label doesn’t mean a thing. He’s an American.

Knutson said that with Byrd on the ticket, “We can carry Virginia, the Carolinas and several other Southern states.”

While observing that there is substantial sentiment for the Virginian, Martin did not express any personal preference, reminding those with whom he talked that his responsibility was to preside over the convention.

Disclaimed by Byrd

Byrd promptly said, “I am not a candidate on any ticket whatsoever.” He would not comment when newsmen told him that sometimes men are drafted at political conventions.

He said he had not heard of the announced plan of Rep. Knutson (R-MN) to work for him at Chicago and emphasized, “I am not a candidate and haven’t been a candidate.”

Byrd was on the floor of the Senate today submitting a report by his economy committee and incidentally taking time out to accuse Senator Guffey (D-PA) of making “a cowardly attack” on an absent Senator.

Guffey had taken the floor earlier to excoriate Senator Bailey (D-NC) for a speech several weeks ago calling CIO leader Philip Murray and Sidney Hillman “communists.”

Byrd stated:

I have been in the Senate 12 years and I have never seen a more bitter, vindictive and I think more untruthful attack on an absent Senator.

He said that Senator Bailey was absent for a necessary operation. The Virginian said:

Senator Guffey knew he was not here today and yet he selected this day to make this malicious and unwarranted attack on him.


Roosevelt dodges 4th term queries

Washington (AP) –
President Roosevelt declined with a grin today to confirm or refute a prediction by Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia that the Chief Executive would soon express his willingness to accept a fourth term nomination.

A reporter asked Mr. Roosevelt at today’s news conference if he planned such a statement shortly after next week’s Republican National Convention, as forecast by Arnall.

The President commented that it was the same old question taking a new form today.

“A new form in the light of recent events,” the reporter said. “Well, it won’t work,” Mr. Roosevelt replied. “Don’t I get anything for the effort?” the reporter asked. “No,” said the President and told him he would have to write it off as a total failure.

Another reporter asked the President if he will consult political leaders before making a decision on a presidential nomination. The President replied that this occasion was supported to be a news conference and that the inquiry was a boudoir question at the present time.


Dewey critical of bureaucracy

Asks greater harmony between President and Congress

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey sent Republican platform drafters a message today criticizing the national administration as “a sprawling, overlapping bureaucracy” and calling for a new regime in which the President would act with Congress to “raise the federal service to a high level of efficiency and competence.”

The message from Dewey, whose supporters have contended he will win the Republican presidential nomination on the first or second ballot at next week’s convention, was read to the platform committee after Senator Vandenberg (R-MI) had presented a proposed foreign plank calling for creation of “peace forces” to prevent future aggression.

In connection with presentation of a report on the Post-War Advisory Committee on government reform, Dewey’s message said:

The national administration has become a sprawling, overlapping bureaucracy. It is undermined by executive abuse of power, confused line of authority, duplication of effort, inadequate fiscal controls, loose personnel practices and an attitude of arrogance previously unknown in our history.

The times cry out for the restoration of harmony in government, for a balance of legislative and executive responsibility for efficiency and economy for pruning and abolishing unnecessary agencies and personnel, for effective fiscal and personnel controls, and for an entirely new spirit in our federal government.

We need an administration wherein the President, acting in harmony with Congress, will effect these necessary reforms and raise the federal service to a high level of efficiency and competence.


Essary: Many in capital head for GOP convention

Much hip-hip-hurrahing to be absent this year
By Helen Essary, Central Press columnist

Washington –
Half of official Washington is packing its bags for Chicago and the gathering there on June 26 of the Republican hopefuls. Despite the cut and dried program that awaits the delegates, and the prospect of news scarcity in the goings on there, many newspapers sent their correspondents out a week before the opening day.

I’ve been wondering about the mood of the convention. Would it be the usual compound of bands, waving flags, backslapping favorite sons and smoke-filled rooms? I called Robert Prichard, the Republican National Committee’s No. 2 man at the job of selling the country the virtues of the GOP and asked about the prospect of good cheer at his convention.

Prichard said:

The theme of the convention will be patriotism. We are going to cut down the number of bands. Of course, there will be music. But none of the old-time hurrah… Flags? Oh yes, some in the convention hall. But not all over the plane as they used to be… Elephants? Absolutely not. Tied to a string and being led around to whip up the crowds? No, sir-ee! It isn’t going to be necessary to have party mascots this time. This isn’t a circus we are putting on. We’ve got real business to transact.

All convention speeches will be shorter than ever before, Prichard promised. Seconding speeches will be limited to 15 minutes. Former President Herbert Hoover is allowed a speech of 45 minutes. Mrs. Clare Luce, who some people think may stampede the convention and get herself nominated for the Vice Presidency, will talk for 30 minutes.

Hoover and Mrs. Luce have already sent their speeches in to the Republican National Committee, where they are being peppered up or flattened out as the need calls. How long Governor Warren of California will talk is as yet uncertain. He hasn’t yet submitted his keynote speech to headquarters.

The Democrats have not gotten down to convention routine. Their committee on arrangements met in Chicago June 15 and 16. At the moment there are still some delegates unnamed.

But things will whip up in no time and as for that choice of vice-presidential nominee – why, anything can happen.

Some people think the Northern Democrats can be made to agree with the Southern, the Eastern, the Midwestern, the Northwestern and the Western Democrats (big country this), and line Henry A. Wallace up for Vice President.

Some people – not Democrats – say Mr. Roosevelt has the convention – and the country – and the world – on the spot and can get anything done he wants done. Anyhow the vice-presidential nomination will be the only fun the Democratic meeting of mid-July will provide.

I asked Miss Virginia Rishel, who gets out the Democratic Digest, official publication of the Democratic National Committee, if she thought her party’s Chicago meeting would be a merry one.

The wise Virginia said:

Oh, no! On the contrary, Hannegan, our national chairman, has passed the word down the line, “We’ve got to get down to work at once, get the work done and get out as fast as possible. This is no time for skylarking or cheering.”

Speaking of the international influence, I suppose there will be a lot said in words of many syllables at both conventions about “our foreign policy.”

Well, it is not surprising that we have no concrete foreign policy, actually most of the people in this country aren’t interested in a foreign policy simply because most of the people in this country are not interested in foreign countries.

It will take a powerful amount of sales talk to persuade half the country that the troubles and hates of Europe, Asia and Africa are our responsibility forevermore. And it isn’t impeding the war effort to say this.

I still hope, maybe it is a Pollyannish wish, but I don’t apologize for it, that some day some genius will sell the world the idea of the stupidity of war. Could anything be more imbecile than the way we killed, maimed and starved the Italians when they were fighting with the Nazis, and then suddenly changed to loving, feeding, arming and clothing the Italians the moment we captured Rome?

Before the war is over, we may be killing Italians once more. Four-legged animals aren’t half as dumb as we, the two-legged creatures provided by nature with what is supposed to be a thinking mind. Four-legged animals fight only when they have to and when they are mad.

The Brooklyn Eagle (June 25, 1944)


Dewey managers seek first ballot nomination as opposition wavers

Assurance of Governor’s backers seen checkmating Bricker-Stassen challenge
By Lyle C. Wilson

Chicago, Illinois (UP) – (June 24)
Governor Dewey’s “draft” managers are driving tonight for his ballot nomination on the Republican ticket against opposition that seems unable to organize effectively.

The first big test for the Dewey managers was scheduled for 10:30 p.m. CT when Illinois leaders were to caucus the state’s 59-vote delegation.

Plans for the Republican National Convention meeting here June 26 have been streamlined for adoption of a platform and nomination of the ticket by June 28. The successful candidate is scheduled to accept the 1944 leadership of the Republican Party against the New Deal-Democratic Party Wednesday or Thursday.

Platform building is slowed by pulling and hauling over the foreign relations plank, but it is obvious that the convention will adopt some kind of pledge for post-war international cooperation.

Three names before delegates

At least three names will be before the delegates for the presidential nomination. The managers of Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio claim they have 200 to 225 first ballot votes. LtCdr. Harold E. Stassen’s supporters expect the former Minnesota Governor to poll about 65 votes on the first ballot.

Dewey backers are making no public claims and their smug assurance pinpricks the opposition. Bricker spokesmen estimate that Dewey will have 385 votes on the first ballot. Any candidate would need a bare majority of 529 to be nominated.

The Bricker-Stassen challenge to the Dewey “draft” probably will justify itself or collapse 12 to 24 hours before the convention meets when some of the big state delegations begin to caucus to decide with whom to ride on early ballots.

Hopes to hold Dewey

Bricker has a chance among all of them and there is the possibility that state leaders may decide to cast favorite-son votes on early ballots from a safe position on the fence. Bricker is counting on that, hoping to hold Dewey for a couple of ballots and then chip away his lead, as was done four years ago in Philadelphia.

Those tactics might easily lead to deadlock in which event a lot of smart money would be put down quickly on Senator Robert A. Taft (R-OH), whose stature in the party has risen steadily and is still going up.

California, Illinois and Pennsylvania apparently control the situation and they are expected to hold hotel room caucuses over the weekend to decide, in effect, whether the East or Midwest shall provide the man with whom the GOP will attempt for the third time to defeat President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The party regulars are talking a Dewey-Warren ticket, insisting that Governor Earl Warren of California can be persuaded to accept the vice-presidential nomination despite his known disinclination for the assignment.

If Warren balks, there are a dozen other Republican governors who are willing and able to grace the ticket and Rep. Everett Dirksen (R-IL), who campaigned for the presidential nomination, is recognized now as a contender for second place.

Rep. Harold Knutson (R-MN) arrived today from ballyhooing a coalition ticket on which Senator Harry F. Byrd (D-VA), a notable anti-Roosevelt Southerner, would be nominated for Vice President. The party regulars are not impressed and some of the more sarcastic remark that they tried to win an election in 1940 with a Democrat on the Republican ticket and that it will not work. They refer to Wendell L. Willkie, the 1940 GOP presidential nominee, who was a Democrat before Mr. Roosevelt began making some changes in that party.


Dewey-pledged Boro delegates Chicago-bound

Confident governor will be chosen on the first ballot
By Joseph H. Schmalacker

The main body of New York State’s delegation to the Republican National Convention, staking its full strength and voting power on the imminent draft of Governor Dewey for the GOP presidential nomination, last night sped toward Chicago for tomorrow’s convention debut.

All indications were that the solid pro-Dewey delegation would seek to clinch the nomination quickly for New York’s Republican Governor.

Republican Leader John R. Crews, as he headed the Brooklyn unit of the delegation at its departure, said:

I am fully convinced the convention will draft Governor Dewey on the first ballot. The task now is to choose the best nominee for Vice President.

With Governor Dewey as the nominee for President, the ticket will poll millions of independent votes and will sweep the country in November.

Expect near landslide

While Crews and others were making their final pre-convention predictions, political enthusiasm soared among the delegation’s rank-and-file and the unspoken consensus among many of the delegates seemed to indicate they were expecting Mr. Dewey’s nomination to be voted actually by near landslide proportions. Their belief, they said, was based on glowing private reports reaching the delegation from Chicago.

The main body of the delegation left for Chicago in two groups. The Brooklyn delegates (representing Kings County) left with the delegates from Queens, the Bronx, Manhattan and Richmond aboard a New York Central train from Grand Central. Nassau and Suffolk delegates departed hours later aboard a Pennsylvania train from the Pennsylvania Station.

Accommodations on both trains were made available for more than 300 delegates, alternates, leaders and convention personnel under Office of Defense Transportation restrictions. All were required to produce ODT certificates authorizing the convention journey.

W. Kingsland Macy, Suffolk County leader and Republican State chairman, was with the Long Island delegation.

Macy remarked:

When New York elected Joe R. Hanley as Lieutenant Governor last November, I said it was another indication of the trend in favor of Governor Dewey. It has become more obvious every day the sentiment of the country is for his nomination.

Delegation caucus tonight

The entire 93-member New York delegation will meet in caucus tonight at the Hotel Stevens, the New York State headquarters in Chicago, to pledge its formal support for Dewey. Except for the Kings County unit, which adopted a pro-Dewey pledge several weeks ago, the New York delegation has maintained a technically unpledged attitude.

The Brooklyn delegates include Attorney General Nathaniel L. Goldstein, Public Service Commissioner George A. Arkwright, Benjamin F. Westervelt, William E. Rowen, Harold L. Turk, Walter J. Vernie, James Leo Morrison; William S. Webb, head of the State Tax Bureau; Deputy Industrial Commissioner A. H. Goodman, Assistant Secretary Michael Chiusano of the State Labor Department, George Eilperin, Ernest C. Wagner and Walter L. Johnston.

The alternate delegates are Chairman William T. Simpson of the State War Ballot Commission; A. David Benjamin, chairman of the Kings County Republican Law Committee; Assemblyman Robert J. Crews, John Morris, Mrs. Faith Moore Andrews, Samuel Sweet, Joseph F. Keating, Miss Amy Wren, Almert W. Hoff. Harry G. Anderson, George J. Beldock, Henry Sugarman, William A. Root, Jacob Bartscherer and Richard Wright. John Bartels, president of the Brooklyn Republican Club, is an alternate delegate-at-large.

Another prominent Republican in the Brooklyn delegation was Frank Pals, leader of the new 1st AD. Former U.S. Attorney George Z. Medalie, John Foster Dulles, Election Commissioner David B. Costuma, Senator Frederic R. Coudert Jr. and Roger W. Straus were included in the Manhattan delegation. The entire group traveled under the direction of Charles W. Ferry, passenger representative of the Republican State Committee and assistant appraiser of the State Tax Department for the metropolitan district.


Clare comes up with ‘bumbledom,’ thanks to Dickens

Washington (UP) – (June 24)
Rep. Clare Boothe Luce (R-CT), who coined the word “globaloney” to describe the New Deal’s foreign policy, has invented another for its domestic policy. “Bumbledom” is the word.

And the thousands at the GOP convention in Chicago and millions who will be tuned in on their radios to listen to the proceedings Tuesday night will hear it again and again: “Bumbledom! Bumbledom! Bumbledom!”

Mrs. Luce, a delegate to the convention from Connecticut who believes Governor Dewey will be drafted and have a 50–50 chance of getting elected, doesn’t claim full credit for her new word for deriding the Roosevelt administration. This time, she admits, she dipped into Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist, for the idea.


GOP committee claims foreign policy accord

Chicago, Illinois (UP) – (June 24)
The Republican convention’s foreign policy subcommittee, striving for a platform declaration which would unite the party and at the same time eliminate international relations as a November campaign issue, reported tonight it had completed its task in “complete harmony.”

Committee Chairman Senator Warren R. Austin (R-VT) declined to reveal the details of the foreign policy proposal until it is reported to the next meeting of the convention resolutions committee, scheduled for Monday.

It was expected, however, to follow closely the recommendations of a foreign policy advisory committee for “cooperative” direction by the United Nations of “peace forces” to prevent future wars.

Divergent views presented

Foreign policy had been one of the chief intra-party divisions as Republicans began drafting the platform on which they intend to challenge the New Deal in the November elections.

Agreement came despite the fact that the concluding public hearing this morning had been marked by presentation of widely divergent views on the question.

Senator Joseph H. Ball (R-MN) said that a tentative draft favoring “cooperative” direction of “peace forces” to prevent future wars, contained “rubber words,” but would be acceptable if endorsement of an outright international police force such as he advocates cannot be obtained.

Would put U.S. interests first

Senator Edward V. Robertson (R-WY) went to the other extreme by proposing a nationalist platform which would put American interests ahead of all other considerations and would stipulate that international cooperation does not mean an international police force or “an international New Deal with the United States in the role of Santa Claus.”

In the final analysis, the subcommittee is expected to recommend to the convention without material change the tentative draft submitted yesterday by Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg (R-MI) as chairman of a special committee appointed six months ago to make a particular study of party sentiment. Vandenberg called his draft the “common denominator” on which all members of the party could stand.

Domestic issues less difficult

Platform proposals on domestic affairs, being drafted by six other subcommittees, generally involved less intra-party differences.

The agriculture group, headed by Governor B. B. Hickenlooper of Iowa, this morning heard Albert Goss, master of the National Grange, condemn government farm subsidies, and then recessed until tomorrow to receive the report of a farm advisory committee appointed last September at the Mackinac Conference.

The general drafting committee, handling such miscellaneous questions as equal rights for women, race discrimination, the St. Lawrence Seaway and a host of other subjects, was the only other group meeting during the day.

Other questions up

The other platform subcommittees and some of the questions before them included:

  • Post-war business: Principally a plank which will stress that a healthy post-war economy depends upon a free enterprise system with a minimum of government interference.

  • Foreign Trade Committee: Tariff considerations which may include a demand that reciprocal trade treaties be submitted to the Senate for ratification.

  • Western and Pacific: The fate of war-borne industrialization of the far West in the post-war period as well as post-war programs for irrigation and reclamation.

  • Labor: Confronted with a demand for repeal of the Smith-Connally anti-strike act which Congress passed over a presidential veto last year.

Dewey aides sure of keystone group

Chicago, Illinois (UP) – (June 24)
Supporters of Governor Dewey of New York expressed confidence today that Pennsylvania’s 70 Republican convention votes will be cast for his presidential nomination.

“They’ll go along with him,” said one of the spokesmen at Dewey-for-President headquarters. He added that Joseph N. Pew, one of the leaders of the Pennsylvania delegation, has been in touch with J. Russell Sprague, a Dewey manager.

The Pennsylvania delegation caucuses tomorrow night and is expected to make a final determination of the course it will follow.

Meanwhile, Dewey headquarters continued confident that he would win the nomination on the first ballot. Dewey, Sprague said, has agreed come to Chicago to appear before the convention “right after his nomination.”


Willkie invited to GOP parley but only as guest

Chicago, Illinois (UP) – (June 24)
The pre-convention gathering of Republicans to pick their 1944 presidential nominee did not include Wendell Willkie, the 1940 choice.

Willkie, who withdrew from the race this year after a crushing defeat in the Wisconsin primary, has an invitation from National Chairman Harrison E. Spangler to attend next week’s sessions as a guest.

He has no place on the program, however, such as has been accorded former President Herbert Hoover and lacks the delegate status held by Alf M. Landon, the 1936 nominee. Willkie has not said whether he will accept Spangler’s invitation. He has offered his platform views through a series of new paper articles.

Völkischer Beobachter (June 26, 1944)

Nationale Konvention der Republikaner tagt in Chikago –
Auftakt zur Wahlschlacht in den USA

v. m. Lissabon, 25. Juni –
Am 26. Juni, also morgen Montag, tritt in Chikago die Nationale Konvention der Republikanischen Partei zusammen, um ihren Präsidentschaftskandidaten aufzustellen. Nach dem Verzicht Wendell Willkies und General MacArthurs auf die Kandidatur stehen der Gouverneur von Neuyork, Dewey, der Gouverneur von Ohio, Bricker, und die beiden Senatoren Taft und Stassen in der engeren Wahl. Über 70 Prozent aller Voraussagen glauben, daß Dewey mit einer großen Mehrheit zum Kandidaten gewählt werden wird. Der Daily Express läßt sich aus Washington berichten, daß er über ein Minimum von 700 Wahlmännerstimmen verfügt, während er 530 nur brauchen würde, um zu kandidieren.

Roosevelt hat mit allen Mitteln versucht, die Konvention seiner Parteigegner von vornherein zu beeinflussen, damit sie einen Mann aufstellen, der ihm in keiner Weise gefährlich werden kann. In Teheran bestand er auf der Vorverlegung der zweiten Front, obwohl Churchill für ihre Durchführung im Spätsommer plädierte. Die katholische Zeitung America enthüllt nun, daß Roosevelt immer wieder erklärte habe, man müsse die Wahlschlacht an der französischen Kanalküste gewinnen. Die republikanische Parteikonvention müsse im Zeichen amerikanischer Erfolge in Europa zusammentreten, damit die Kritik an seiner Außenpolitik und seiner Kriegführung nicht zum Hauptargument des republikanischen Wahlkampfes werden könne.

Dieser Umstand zeigt die Anstrengungen, die der US-General Bradley vor Cherbourg machen läßt, im besonderen Licht und läßt auch vermuten, weshalb Roosevelt nach dem wenig überzeugenden Anfang der Invasion und dem Erscheinen der deutschen Geheimwaffe auf den Gedanken gekommen ist, den Admiral Nimitz zur grotesken Behauptung von der „vollständigen Vernichtung der japanischen Flotte“ zu veranlassen.

Die Lüge hatte allerdings so kurze Beine, daß der Präsident in seiner letzten Pressekonferenz von ihr abgerückt ist. Er erklärte den Journalisten, seine Generalstabschefs bedauerten sehr, daß es nicht gelungen sei, die japanische Flotte entscheidend zu schlagen. Auch die heftigen republikanischen Vorwürfe gegen seine Ibero-Amerika-Politik versuchte Roosevelt rechtzeitig durch die Versöhnung mit der revolutionären Regierung Boliviens zu entkräften. Die jüdischen Finanzkreise hinter der republikanischen Front beruhigte er dabei auf besondere Weise: er stellte bei den Verhandlungen mit Bolivien die Freilassung des gefangen gehaltenen jüdischen Zinnkönigs Moritz Rothschild zur Bedingung und setzte sie durch.

Die Republikaner haben ihrerseits auch alles in Bewegung gesetzt, um die Konvention ihrer Partei zu einer gewaltigen Anti-Roosevelt-Kundgebung werden zu lassen. Die Enthüllungen des englischen Produktionsministers Lyttelton über das kriegstreiberische Verhalten der amerikanischen Außenpolitik, das damit verbundene neuerliche Aufrühren des geheimen Briefwechsels zwischen Roosevelt, Churchill und Eden hinter dem Rücken des alten Chamberlains und die in diesem Zusammenhänge erfolgte Verhaftung des englischen Unterhausabgeordneten Ramsay und des amerikanischen Konsulatssekretärs, durch dessen Indiskretion diese Ränke bekannt wurden sowie die verzweifelten Entschuldigungsversuche des US-Außenministers Hull, das alles gibt einen allerdings ungewöhnlich guten Start für den Angriff auf Roosevelt.

Selbst der Versuch der Roosevelt freundlichen Presse, die Reisen des Vizepräsidenten Wallace nach Tschungking und des Handelskammerpräsidenten Johnston nach Moskau als großen außenpolitischen Erfolg darzustellen, vermochten nicht die Stärke der republikanischen Attacke abzuschwächen. Die Neuyorker Zeitung PM befürchtet daher, daß die Republikaner jetzt in Chikago „besonders viel schmutzige Wäsche waschen werden.“ Einstweilen richtet sich aber die amerikanische Dreckschleuder gegen Lyttelton, dessen Rücktritt energisch gefordert wird.