Election 1944: Pravda scores Dewey’s stand (10-16-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 16, 1944)


Pravda scores Dewey’s stand

Moscow, USSR (UP) –
The political observer of Pravda, official organ of the Soviet Central Committee, charged today that Thomas E. Dewey, Republican presidential nominee, was injecting the Polish question into the campaign and was “supporting claims of Polish imperialists.”

In charging that Polish reactionaries in the United States were using the election campaign for their machinations, Pravda said:

We are not surprised by the low, provocative activities of the Polish clique which is not trying to make Poland a peaceful country but a focal point for trouble and all possible adventures.

It should be pointed out that certain political leaders in the United States, instead of unmasking these provocateurs, not only give them full support but pour oil on the fire.

Of the same character was Dewey’s Pulaski Day speech. Dewey, quite in tune with the clique, spoke in support of Polish imperialists.