Election 1944: Poll for TimeGhost Army


The TimeGhost Army now has the chance to decide the leader of the free world in 1945 and openly express opinions.

The poll will close the day before the election, November 6, 10:00 p.m. ET.

If the presidential election were held today, who would you vote for?

  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Thomas Dewey
  • Others (specify)
0 voters

The real leader of the free world in July 44 was Stalin who was getting everything he asked for.


Touche :wink: I wrote that the way most reporters would’ve written.

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So, you’re writing in Stalin for November 1944?

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Lol if I had, there would be an FBI file on me somewhere. I did kinda duck the actual question. I would vote for Roosevelt because I don’t know that a divided government would have been the best way to end the war. Even knowing his health I probably would still vote that way.

And not because I love democrats but I think the republicans had been so long out of control, 1944 was a bad time to turn it over to them.

In 1918 Republicans held the house while democrats had the senate. This time democrats had solid majorities. Perhaps that made for an easier foreign policy environment or maybe Wilson was just that unpopular. I doubt I would want to chance it.


Alrighty :+1: So Roosevelt it is for you!


I will continue to vote for the party of social security and the new deal.


:+1: Let’s see if he wins in November… :wink:

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Three months to go before Election Day…

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By jove but I love the National Labor Relations Act.

The CIO Forever!


Just be wary of their PAC’s shenanigans.

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Are PACs a problem in 1944? Surely the Supreme Court isn’t crazy/corrupt enough to make a ruling that $ = Free Speech :money_mouth_face:

Certain ones, yes…

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It is only the president of the US , that is a long way from the leader of the free world.
And you don’t even get to choose the president , you get to make a sugestion to government officials that you would like them to vote for one of the 2 parties, the constitution does not require the electoral college to follow the popular vote.

Many states do require the electors to follow their states vote. Constitution leaves this up to the states.


The Pittsburgh Press (August 31, 1944)

Election Day is set for November 7.
Everyone will want to vote on that day.

But under the law you may not vote unless you are registered. The last day to register is October 7.

The time to register is the earliest possible day.

Suffrage was never more important. Use it.


Would be interesting to understand the issues of the day for America in terms of domestic affairs!

I imagine if I was an American in 1944, I’d vote for continuation of the existing Government. Seems like we’re sticking it to the Axis powers in Europe, and there’s been a good turn at sea in the Pacific … although those casualties taking islands is worrying!


I cover it daily with my Election 1944 posts :slight_smile:


Here’s one:


Two months to go before Election Day…

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