Election 1944: PAC supports GOP in Vermont race (9-23-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (September 23, 1944)


PAC supports GOP in Vermont race

Boston, Massachusetts (UP) –
Spokesmen for the CIO Political Action Committee said today that their organization was actively supporting U.S. Senator George D. Aiken (R-VT) for reelection, but denied that another Republican senatorial candidate, Massachusetts Governor Leverett Saltonstall, was receiving similar support.

At Burlington, Andrew Jenkins, Vermont state chairman of the CIO-PAC, said his group was backing Senator Aiken “because he is a good man who has done more or less for labor.”

At Boston, a spokesman for Joseph Salerno, regional director of the CIO-PAC, said:

The report that we are supporting Governor Saltonstall is not true. We are violently opposed to his opponent [Democratic Mayor John H. Corcoran of Cambridge] but have not got actively behind the Governor because he has said that, the more he sees of Governor Dewey, the better he likes him.