Election 1944: Navy officers sue Teamsters, Tobin (11-3-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (November 3, 1944)


Navy officers sue Teamsters, Tobin

Washington (UP) –
The “Battle of the Statler” was carried into federal court today when the two Navy officers involved in the fracas with Teamsters Union (AFL) officials filed $200,000 libel suits each against the union and Daniel J. Tobin of Indianapolis, its president and editor of the union publication, The International Teamster.

The officers are LtCdr. James H. Suddeth of Washington, and Lt. Randolph Dickins Jr., now in Bradenton, Florida.

The suits charged that an article in The International Teamster falsely accused the Officers of drunkenness, attacks on union members, and using profane language against the President of the United States following Mr. Roosevelt’s Sept. 23 address to the Teamsters. The suits said the latter charge, if true, would subject the officers to court-martial and probable dishonorable discharge from the Navy.


What was the outcome of these lawsuits?

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I might have to investigate further.

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I might be able to assist with access to law libraries

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