Election 1944: Myers calls Senator Davis ‘peace scuttler’ (10-20-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 20, 1944)


Myers calls Davis ‘peace scuttler’

New Castle, Pennsylvania (UP) –
Congressman Francis J. Myers of Philadelphia, Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate, last night attacked Senator James J. Davis, GOP nominee for reelection, as one of the “shortsighted Republican isolationists in Congress” who will try to scuttle the peace.”

That group will try to block American participation in an international peace organization “regardless of whether Roosevelt or Dewey is elected,” Mr. Myers charged, but “under Dewey and in a Republican Senate, they would be in an infinitely better position to do the dirty work.”

It was the “shortsighted Republican isolationists” who defeated President Wilson’s League of Nations plan after the last war, Mr. Myers said.

Some are still in Congress – and their eyesight has not improved. They have been joined since 1920 by others who share their isolationist philosophy. Together, they mean to scuttle the next League of Nations plan, no matter what its name may be.

The “compromises” America will have to make in the peace treaty will be “distorted, twisted, emphasized out of all proportion” by these men, the Democratic nominee predicted.

He said:

That’s what happened after the last war when America turned its back on world affairs and the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

Mr. Myers cited Mr. Davis’ record of “consistently wrong votes on defense measures” and his “obstinate, unyielding, inflexible” refusal to “apologize for his mistakes.”