Election 1944: Murray hits GOP labor policies (10-16-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 16, 1944)


Murray hits GOP labor policies

Trenton, New Jersey (UP) –
Philip Murray, president of the CIO, says Governor Thomas E. Dewey and Governor John W. Bricker are attempting to “confuse” the nation’s workingmen, and he is unaware of “a single, solitary thing that Mr. Dewey has done for labor in his public life.”

Speaking at a “Phil Murray Day” outing sponsored by seven locals of United Steelworkers of America yesterday at the state fairgrounds. Mr. Murray said that Mr. Dewey “in his recent campaign trip to California praised the Roosevelt labor laws and social reforms, but Governor Bricker, his running mate, now traveling on the same circuit, condemns the labor and social reforms of the President.”

Praising the CIO’s Political Action Committee as a “thoroughly American institution designed to present facts to the people of the United States in an educational way.” Mr. Murray added:

I assume responsibility for its creation and am proud of the wonderful job it has done in all parts of the United States.

Mr. Murray said that “big money interests and isolationists” are backing Mr. Dewey.