Election 1944: Hannegan charges Dewey with ‘untruths’ (10-31-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 31, 1944)


Hannegan charges Dewey with ‘untruths’

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (UP) –
Robert E. Hannegan, Democratic National Chairman, yesterday charged Governor Thomas E. Dewey, Republican presidential standard-bearer, with “the wildest untruths” and with borrowing the entire New Deal, including its foreign policies.

Mr. Hannegan, speaking before the annual $100-a-plate dinner sponsored by the Philadelphia Democratic organization accused Mr. Dewey of being tied up with “a gang of political mouthpieces tor big money in this country who represent pre-Pearl Harbor isolationists.”

Mr. Hannegan added that Governor Dewey had “aided considerably in helping President Roosevelt cinch the election in his fourth term bid.”