Election 1944: Dewey shuns help from isolationists (7-29-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (July 30, 1944)


Timetable of Dewey’s day in Pittsburgh

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Governor Dewey’s auto caravan will follow this route tomorrow when the Republican candidate for President travels from the Pennsylvania Station to the William Penn Hotel. He will arrive at 8:55 a.m. ET. A procession of about 20 cars is planned. Mr. Dewey and his party will leave the hotel at 9:15 p.m. and reverse this route before boarding a train for Springfield, Illinois, except that he will go south on Grant Street from the hotel and thence directly down Fifth Avenue.

Here is the complete timetable of Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s day in Pittsburgh tomorrow (all times ET):

8:55 a.m.: Arrive Pennsylvania Station, parade down Liberty Avenue, to Fifth Avenue, to William Penn Way to Sixth Avenue, to Grant Street, to William Penn Hotel.

10:00 a.m.: Press conference.

11:00 a.m.: Conference with labor group.

11:30 a.m.: Conference with business group.

Noon: Conference with farm group.

12:30 p.m.: Conference with war veterans group.

1:00 p.m.: Luncheon with Pennsylvania candidates.

2:00 p.m.: Conference with Congressional and statewide candidates.

3:30 p.m.: Reception at Ball Room, William Penn Hotel.

6:00 p.m.: Conference with officials of United Mine Workers.

7:30 p.m.: Dinner with Republican State Executive Committee, statewide candidates and local Republican leaders.

9:00 p.m.: Press conference.

9:15 p.m.: Leaves William Penn Hotel. Parade down Grant Street to Fifth Avenue, to Liberty Avenue, to Pennsylvania Station.

9:44 p.m.: Train leaves for Springfield, Illinois.

Dewey shuns help from isolationists

His repudiation of ‘Ham Fish’ cited

Albany, New York (UP) – (July 29)
Governor Thomas E. Dewey, having bitterly denounced persons attempting to “inject racial and religious issues” into political campaigns, left Albany today for his Pawling farm, preliminary to an invasion of pivotal Midwestern states.

The Republican presidential nominee will remain at his farm only overnight before proceeding to New York City, where he will board a train for Pittsburgh to meet with Pennsylvania Congressional representatives and leaders of business, labor and agriculture. He will leave Pittsburgh Monday for Springfield, Illinois, and St. Louis, where the Republican Governors’ Conference opens Wednesday.

Attacks ‘Ham’ Fish

Mr. Dewey’s repudiation of Congressman Hamilton Fish, veteran New York legislator, was interpreted as a move to shake all so-called isolationist groups from the Republican camp. The Governor’s attack followed publication of an interview in which the Congressman was quoted, “All Jews will vote for the New Deal and President Roosevelt.”

The Governor said he had “fought that kind of thing all my life and always will regardless of partisan consideration.” He added that he had “never accepted the support of any such individual and I never shall.”

In reply to Mr. Dewey, Mr. Fish said he would “bet a dollar that Dewey doesn’t carry one district in New York City that is predominantly Jewish.”

Fish predicts victory

He added:

When I referred to the fact that people of Jewish origin are largely in favor of the New Deal, I stated a fact that everybody knows.

Mr. Fish said Mr. Dewey’s repudiation would tend to increase his margin of victory in the Aug. 1 primaries and that people of his district resented interference from outside sources.

After issuing the anti-Fish statement, Dewey conferred with former Kentucky Governor Flem D. Sampson and Watertown (New York) publisher Harold B. Johnson.

Waterway discussed

Mr. Dewey and Mr. Johnson discussed the St. Lawrence Waterway and it was understood that the Governor reiterated a statement he made in 1940 in support of the project. Mr. Dewey’s approval of the waterway will remove it as an issue of the presidential campaigns. President Roosevelt also favors the development.

Mr. Sampson said he believed the Dewey-Bricker ticket would receive “a very substantial majority” in Kentucky.