Election 1944: Dewey lists 15 issues for governors (7-27-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (July 27, 1944)


Dewey lists 15 issues for governors

Candidate seeks end of ‘chaos’

Albany, New York (UP) –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey, Republican presidential nominee, said today he would place a sweeping program before the St. Louis GOP Governors’ Conference next week in an effort to “bring agreement out of chaos which has existed between the federal government and the states for 12 years.”

Mr. Dewey’s program, which was approved by his running mate, Ohio Governor John W. Bricker, includes 15 major issues:

  • Public expenditures.

  • Public health.

  • Administration of unemployment insurance.

  • Administration of employment services.

  • Relationship between unemployment insurance and employment services.

  • Labor, the sphere of influence of the national government as contrasted to local government.

  • Public works, the extent to be financed and supervised by the various units of government.

  • Highways.

  • Regulation of insurance.

  • Ownership of national lands.

  • Water and flood control and the conservation of national resources.

  • The National Guard, whether it shall be returned to the states in the post-war era or remain federalized.

  • The whole problem of federal and state tax coordination.

  • Agriculture, the extent to which agriculture, soil conservation and controls, if any, should be administered by the national government or the states regionally.

  • Veterans affairs.

Mr. Dewey and Mr. Bricker conferred until late last night on the issues and organization of the Republican drive for the Presidency and Vice Presidency and resumed their talks at the breakfast table.

Mr. Dewey and Mr. Bricker, it was said, believe they must make a definite bid for support from organized labor. Mr. Bricker said the swing to the Republican ticket was already underway in labor ranks and that he believed the “extreme activities” of labor leader Sidney Hillman would drive many Democrats to the GOP column.

Mr. Dewey leaves Albany tomorrow for his farm in Pawling, New York. He will go to New York Sunday and then to Pittsburgh, where he will meet Pennsylvania Congressmen. He will reach St. Louis Tuesday or Wednesday.