Election 1944: Dewey backers rapped by Guffey (10-27-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 27, 1944)


Dewey backers rapped by Guffey

New Brighton, Pennsylvania – (special)
U.S. Senator Joseph F. Guffey, (D-PA), in a speech here yesterday charged that the World Economic Conference at London in 1933 was a plot to shut off U.S. foreign markets “dreamed up by some of the very men who are today backing Governor Dewey.”

Answering charges of Mr. Dewey that President Roosevelt had sabotaged the Economic Conference, called to stabilize world currencies, Mr. Guffey, a leading Senate New Deal supporter, said it would have forced a 30 percent cut in world prices of U.S. farm and mineral products.

Mr. Guffey said:

President Roosevelt refused to accept this intolerable threat to our economic welfare – which, I may add, was put forward by one of the appeasing British Tory governments which were united only in a determination to keep Winston Churchill out of office – and dynamited the London Economic Conference.

That was nearly 12 years ago but ever since then there have been plenty of Wall Street Republicans and a few Wall Street Democrats who hold it against the President as a crime that he did not sell the American farmer into economic servitude to foreign masters and that he refused to subordinate the reemployment of American industrial labor to the convenience of international bankers controlled by the Bank of England.

Senator Guffey charged Governor Dewey with carrying on a campaign of falsification and added that Pennsylvania has been deprived of an effective vote on important national defenses issues because Senator James J. Davis (R-PA), now a candidate for reelection, opposed nearly every important measure, canceling out Mr. Guffey’s vote in favor.

Mr. Guffey said:

Vote for Davis and for Dewey if you want another return to normalcy, another boom for the bankers, another panic for the investors, another depression for the farmer and the worker, and another war for your children.