Election 1944: Canada censors Bricker’s speech (10-31-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 31, 1944)


Canada censors Bricker’s speech

Detroit, Michigan (UP) –
The campaign speech which Governor John W. Bricker, Republican vice-presidential nominee, delivered here last night was censored by a Canadian radio company representative before it was put on the Mutual Broadcasting System Network in the United States.

Frank Burke, a representative of CKLW, Windsor (Ontario) broadcasting station, read Mr. Bricker’s prepared speech to make sure, he said, that it contained nothing derogatory to Great Britain or Canada. Mr. Burke telephoned his office across the Detroit River that it contained nothing that would be “offensive.”

Mr. Burke said:

This station is owned by Canadian capital – the Rogers-Majestic Radio Company – and for that reason whatever goes out over it must conform to the rules.