Election 1944: Bricker hits PAC in talk in Maine (9-22-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (September 22, 1944)


Bricker hits PAC in talk in Maine

Portland, Maine (UP) –
Ohio Governor John W. Bricker, Republican vice-presidential nominee, attacked Sidney Hillman and his CIO Political Action Committee again today, charging that the New Deal has relinquished its leadership to the “Browder-Hillman Axis.”

He said:

In so doing, it has struck a blow to free and unintimidated voting by the American people. They have turned over to this group that feeds on class hatred the conduct of the campaign because the PAC has its hands on millions of dollars.”

Speaking at a rally at City Hall, Governor Bricker said Mr. Hillman’s influence is “alien” and has its “roots in communism.”

The Bricker train was to make short stops at Lewiston, Winthrop, Waterville and Pittsville during the day. Governor Bricker speaks in Bangor tonight.