Election 1944: Anti-Roosevelt talk booed off air (11-2-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (November 3, 1944)


Anti-Roosevelt talk booed off air

Houston, Texas (UP) –
Senator W. Lee O’Daniel (D-TX) was booed off the air last night in an anti-Roosevelt speech at the Houston City Auditorium.

Mr. O’Daniel, speaking over a Texas chain of stations, was interrupted throughout the speech by boos, catcalls and hisses from the audience.

Toward the end of his address, Mr. O’Daniel was forced to surrender the microphone to John H. Crooker, a leader and spokesman for the Texas Regular (anti-Roosevelt) Democrats.

Mr. Crooker shouted:

I am ashamed of the people of Harris County [Houston] for this disgraceful conduct. This is the most disgraceful scene I’ve ever seen in my life. This gang of ruffians came here to break up this meeting.

You can guess for yourself who sent them, but the right of free speech shall prevail.

Senator O’Daniel said he was not campaigning for the Dewey-Bricker ticket. He was on the last lap of a Texas-wide anti-Roosevelt tour.