Election 1944: America First picks Gerald L. K. Smith (7-31-44)

Detroit Evening Times (August 1, 1944)


America First picks Gerald L. K. Smith

Gerald L. K. Smith was in the presidential race today, having been nominated by his America First Party at its state convention, being held at the Detroit-Leland Hotel.

Repudiating Republican nominee Thomas Dewey, who in turn had repudiated Smith’s support, the group voted to place Smith on its ballot, subject to substitution in case another candidate is nominated by the party at its national convention, to be held later.

“How can we support a man who has called me a rodent?” demanded Smith, speaking of Dewey.

The group gave its endorsement, however, to Governor John Bricker of Ohio, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, to all of the incumbent Republican Congressmen who are seeking reelection, and to most of the other Republicans in Congressional races.

For Governor, the convention selected as its nominee the Rev. Leland L. Marion, pastor of the Christian Temple Church in Pontiac. who a few months ago was involved in a controversy with the OPA over his gasoline allotment.

Smith said:

Men with courage like Rev. Marion have given 10,000 pastors more gasoline to take care of their flocks.

For Lieutenant Governor, the party selected Pvt. George Boss, a soldier with two years overseas service, who is now recuperating from wounds at the Percy Jones Hospital, Battle Creek.

Bernard A. Doman, secretary-treasurer of the America First Party, was named for Secretary of State; Alemond G. Blanchard of Niles for Auditor General, and C. J. Smith of Belding for Treasurer.

The Pittsburgh Press (August 1, 1944)


Smith nominated

Detroit, Michigan –
The America First Party, convening at its initial state convention, last night nominated Gerald L. K. Smith of Detroit as its presidential candidate, and selected as his running mate Ohio Governor John W. Bricker, who was also nominated by the Republicans as running mate of Governor Thomas E. Dewey.