The Pittsburgh Press (October 26, 1940)
Editor, The Pittsburgh Press:
I see by looking over the cross-section of readers’ opinions, one veteran, Albert M. Bell, puts great stress on the third term and from what one would infer he is well versed on political affairs. But he failed to mention one of FDR’s first acts when he became President, viz., taking the pensions from the old soldiers who fought to save this country before he was born. But Congress restored it by a two-thirds vote over his head.
I was never a soldier but I could tell that gentleman more than he ever knew about war. I was 12 years old when the Civil War started in 1862. My three brothers enlisted and served the four years. That was one of the times it cost something to be a Republican or a good loyal Democrat.
In 1868, Grant was nominated for President and again in 1872. That was my first vote for a President. I lacked one year of being old enough to vote for him the first term and in 1880 the convention was deadlocked for several days in an effort to nominate him for a third term, when James R. Garfield, the dark horse, was chosen.
I am now in my 92nd year and will vote a straight ticket. As for Mr. Roosevelt, I have no use for him dead or alive. He has our nation divided on Thanksgiving, which was a proclamation of Abraham Lincoln and he has not told us yet when we can have Christmas.
298 Collensville St.
Uniontown, PA